120th.]] hold me until all the prayers that go to heaven get an answer

Jan 10, 2009 20:19

[Private; unhackable]

Almost 1 acre of forest ground.
Soreness. Very heavy soreness. Thank God they don't hold back
That'll leave a scar, maybe.
Hours of venting. Fighting. Crying. Having dinner and pretending I'm fine, it's all going to be fine. I can't blame Naruto, I can't blame Shimakaru, can't blame Sasuke, or Gai's team, can't blame Tsunade-shishou, can't even blame Iruka-sensei. I'll blame myself. It's easier. Much easier.
Nothing is working.

Konohagakure is known for its ability to rise from its ashes. We are a village of shinobi, in majority. We deal with war, and play with death. There will be casualties. There will be loss. We will bury our beloved. We may burn, but we will be reborn from our ashes. That, I am sure of.

When I return, I will make you proud, Tsunade-shishou. If you keep using Katsuyu this much, eventually-- No.


100 bottles of beer? Well, if the deities are asking for a retibution, who am I to deny them all their goodness and help.

[ooc; Gonna drink in Tsunade's name! And ninja the booze home. The more time passes, the drunker she will be. All replies=voice, unless stated otherwise.]

pain must die, orz what a situation, konoha rulez, angst time, tsunade-shishou ilu forever, emo

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