Oct 01, 2008 09:26

[22:45] Sephy:
[22:45] Sephy: sayuka is
[22:45] Sephy: ...very gay for zelman
[22:46] Sephy: well okay the first page is basically sayuka asking zelman why he wants to go into war over osmething?
[22:46] Sephy: and sayuka's all like chastising him for doing something really stupid and shit
[22:47] Sephy: oh wait
[22:47] Sephy: "body and soul" = the word used
[22:47] Sephy: dear lord
[22:47] Sephy: ALL LIKE ;A; @ zelman
[22:47] Sephy: *reads more*
[22:48] Sephy: awww zelman
[22:49] Sephy: zelman wants to fight because it's noble and he DESIRES IT
[22:49] Sephy: god dolly stop playing gay people
[22:49] Sephy: and he's all like it's how you can find yourself and the light
[22:49] Sephy: uhh metaphorically speaking light
[22:50] Sephy: and he's all all the other vampires desire death, isn't he kind of one of them too
[22:50] Sephy: but he's all NO DEATH FOR ME so there is ONLY THE LIGHT!!!!!
[22:50] Sephy: ...again metaphoric light :\
[22:51] Sephy: he's all I WANT TO DIE IN THAT LIGHT
[22:51] Sephy: and sayuka cries
[22:51] Sephy: aww zelman
[22:51] Sephy: well he says it in a more uhhh proud way
[22:52] Sephy: awwww and sayuka's all YES ZELMAN SAMA ;______; AND KNEELS IN FRONT OF ZELMAN
[22:53] Sephy: DEAR LORD
[22:53] Sephy: this is ending like a porn novel
[22:53] Sephy: aposdifuaposiduf
[22:53] Sephy: no just birging
[22:53] Sephy: birthing
[22:53] Sephy: biting
[22:54] Sephy: and I'm like DEAR GOD WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO READ, DOLLY
[22:54] Sephy: but it says THE HEAT FILLS UP HIS MOUTH
[22:54] Sephy: WHAT THE FUCK
[22:54] Sephy: and sayuka's all Z-ZELMAN--S--SAMA~~~~
[22:55] Sephy: and it's all HER TEARS WERE OF SADNESS AND HAPPINES
[22:55] Sephy: WHAT IS THIS
[22:55] Sephy: pretty much zelman going WAR IS GLORIOUS I WANNA DIE WITH THE LIGHT
[22:55] Sephy: and Sayuka sobbing going Y U DO THIS
[22:56] Sephy:'s kind of sad TAT
[22:57] Sephy: and zelman's all like
[22:58] Sephy: everything worthwhile in this world's pretty much gone
[22:58] Sephy: BUT I CAN FIND IT IN WAR!!!!!!
[22:58] Sephy: and all his being is defined by conflicts
[23:00] Sephy: oh that's kain and rinsuke(???) talking
[23:00] Sephy: about jirou
[23:00] Sephy: and he went crazy or something???
[23:00] Sephy: and kain's like WHAT D8
[23:02] Sephy: and both sei and kain are like D8 OH SHIT at hearing that :\
[23:03] Sephy: *still can't get over the fact that zelman starred in a porno with sayuka*
[23:03] Sephy: I mean uh
[23:08] Sephy: also I see zelman with jirou
[23:08] Sephy: and zelman with a smile on his face hoho
[23:11] Sephy: ahhhh zelman
[23:11] Sephy: jirou's all GET OUT OF MY WAY and Zelman's like :\ I don't want to and htye fight *A*
[23:12] Sephy: and jirou's got that ..uhhhh riku ...blood?
[23:12] Sephy: the fuck is this thing DX
[23:13] Sephy: anyyyywayyyyy that .... jirou blood thing like, activates or whatever sooo even though he's hit and stuff he's ... okay :(
[23:15] Sephy: ... oh lord zelman's getting PWN'D
[23:16] Sephy: ALSO!
[23:16] Sephy: so zelman got hit in the CHEST
[23:16] Sephy: and blood goes everywhere
[23:16] Sephy: and his SHIRT WAS STAINED RED
[23:17] Sephy: and those two are all like enveloped in a black fog
[23:17] Sephy: because of jirou's cdrazy blood thing
[23:19] Sephy: yeah sorry no OHHH Z-Z-ZELMAN S-SAMA from Jirou for you, kev
[23:48] Sephy: zelman keeps...getting pwnd
[23:48] Sephy: like, jirou's arm turned into little black ...bird-like things?
[23:48] Sephy: and they followed zelman around and started attacking him
[23:48] Sephy: and that's apparently one of the like, uber fighting techniques
[23:48] Sephy: that are uber rare
[23:50] Sephy: and zelman's all like THIS GUY IS A BLOOD MONSTER
[23:50] Sephy: ... oh god he still finds time to be gay while fighting though
[23:50] Sephy: Jirou: *FANGS ARE GETTING LONGER!* ZELMAN. CLOCK. Zelman: Heh, you called?
[23:50] Sephy: WHAT IS THIS
[23:51] Sephy: at least zelman's good at dodging his next attacks ;_;
[23:52] Sephy: .....wait I don't get this next part
[23:53] Sephy: so jirou can apparently ...
[23:54] Sephy: nono
[23:54] Sephy: he like
[23:54] Sephy: .... can uh
[23:54] Sephy: ... use his ...
[23:54] Sephy: eyes and make flames out of nowhere
[23:54] Sephy: ... it's not clear if that's .... talking about zelman or jirou though
[23:54] Dolly: oh yeah zelman can do that
[23:54] Dolly: it would be zelman
[23:54] Sephy: okay
[23:54] Dolly: that's eye ignite
[23:54] Sephy: because I swas like IT CAN'T BE JIROU
[23:55] Sephy: okay okay so now zelman's attacking with that *_*
[23:55] Sephy: and jirou's like can't do anything but hide *_*
[23:59] Sephy: aw zelman lost his left arm
[23:59] Sephy: :(
[00:00] Sephy: ...and zelman's right hand is also injured ;_;
[00:00] Kev: :(
[00:03] Sephy: ....wait what apparently jirou and zelman both ... .... fell from some hotel
[00:03] Sephy: ...w-what *re-reads*
[00:05] Sephy: oh okay so they're fighting either near or on a hotel or something
[00:05] Sephy: and zelman's all like WHY IS JIROU NOT CHASING AFTER ME
[00:05] Sephy: ...and jirou was using this time to like, regain his strength and heal his wounds :(
[00:05] Sephy: and zelman's all THIS IS NOT THE LAST TIME
[00:07] Sephy: and zelman mentions kotarou
[00:07] Sephy: isn't that the shouta he takes in
[00:07] Sephy: with ramen
[00:07] Sephy: *remembers reading that somewhere*
[00:07] Sephy: Aha |D
[00:07] Sephy: annnnnnd the last part = not clear who's talking, but they're all JIROU YOU BAKA ZELMAN YOU BAKA ;__;
[00:07] Sephy: WHY YOU DO THIS
[00:08] Dolly: oh probably mimiko or something
[00:08] Sephy: and then mystery person is all WAIT. DONT' TELL ME... THEY WANT TO ... DO IT IN FRONT OF PEOPLE!?!?!?
[00:08] Sephy: never says what "it" is so
[00:08] Sephy: yeah mimiko showed up earlier I think soooo could be them
[00:13] Sephy: ...well sayuko shows up
[00:13] Sephy: well first mimiko is all OH GOD WHY IS THIS HAPPENING D8
[00:13] Sephy: then sayuko shows up with an unconscious kotarou
[00:13] Sephy: and she's all HERE YOU MUST TAKE HIM :|
[00:14] Sephy: and mimiko's all WHY IS ZELMAN DOING THIS
[00:14] Sephy: kotarou
[00:14] Sephy: mimkiko
[00:14] Sephy: and sayuka yes fuck names
[00:14] Sephy: and she's all ZELMAN-SAMA IS DOING THIS FOR A REASON
[00:15] Sephy: ...and then sayuka is all THERE IS SOMETHING ZELMAN WANTS TO SHOW THIS CHILD
[00:15] Dolly: ...............................
[00:17] Sephy: and sayuka's all tTHIS IS GOOD BYE MIMIKO-SAN
[00:17] Sephy: I AM GOING
[00:17] Sephy: and Mimiko's all !?!?!?
[00:18] Sephy: and mimiko's all WHY DO I FEEL UNEASY ABOUT ALL OF THIS
[00:18] Sephy: ...and that's the end
[00:18] Sephy: geebus this is really gay
[00:41] Sephy: oshi kotarou
[00:41] Sephy: kotarou gets part of his memories back
[00:41] Sephy: and like
[00:41] Sephy: mimiko's all OH GOD HE'S KOTAROU BUT NOT KOTAROU
[00:42] Sephy: and then mimiko says how like, jirou and people like him are like, selected protectors of ....Eve...?? Alice Eve...?!?!?
[00:43] Sephy: and like when the old person they're suppose to protect dies
[00:43] Sephy: the jirou-people-things get the blood and they have to protect the next one who ... lost their memories
[00:43] Sephy: which is kotarou \o/
[00:45] Sephy: and the mimiko's all NOOO DON'T TAKE JIROU-SAN AWAY YET
[00:45] Sephy: and then kotarou goes back to sleep (uhhh apparently alice showed up for a little bit through kotarou )
buchounoseme: then jirou falls annnnd I'm not sure about this part but it might be zelman who uh helped to ... catch him?
buchounoseme: but anyway the fight's over /o/
buchounoseme: and now jirou's awake :(
buchounoseme: \o/
buchounoseme: and yes it's normal jirou and they'r talking about how like, him regenerating and shit during the battle = really bad for him
buchounoseme: side effects *_*
buchounoseme: and now it's jirou het porn times
buchounoseme: he's all I FELT IT DURING THE FIGHT
buchounoseme: re: alice dude
buchounoseme: and jirou's all mad because kotarou ran off to meet with zelman :(
buchounoseme: and then he's all WHAT COULD'VE KOTAROU WANTED FROM ZELMAN!??!?!?
buchounoseme: aha jirou's all worried about kotarou and why he's ... okay
buchounoseme: and then mimiko was saying how sayuka said that kotarou seemed different even back at the love shack hotel
buchounoseme: and then mimiko got all pissed off since she's like WHY MUST THEY DO THIS
buchounoseme: since she's mad that like, jirou's fate = has to protect!!! and the whole reincarnation deal with kotarou and alice
buchounoseme: ....and she alsos seems kind of batshit >_>;
buchounoseme: lol sei and kain show up next
buchounoseme: and they're all THE PEOPLE KNOW ABOUT KOTAROU AND JIROU :|||||||
buchounoseme: god the subtext
buchounoseme: annnd then kasa...? shows up too
buchounoseme: and kassa is all sort of self-deprecating and going lol vampires will never learn
buchounoseme: they .... went somewhere

[23:48] Sephy: OH GOD WHY BRAIN
[23:48] Sephy: I see the kanji for "seme" and ... it means attack in this sense but OH GOD
[23:48] Sephy: TOOK IT THE WRONG WAY
[23:50] Sephy: omg dolly
[23:50] Sephy: so like it was talking about kain and jirou annd basically describing how they look while like, getting ready to fight
[23:50] Sephy: and then zelman shows up
[23:50] Sephy: and they describe him as one who was blessed by GODDESSES of beauty
[23:51] Sephy: OH GOD MORE PORN TIME
[23:52] Sephy: WHYYYYY do they keep describing sucking of blood like .. like
[23:52] Sephy: well sucking and uhmmmm inappropriateness in general
[23:52] Sephy: also it's about zelman recovering after the fight and of course he's sucking on sayuka
[23:52] Sephy: and it's all THE BLOOD FILLS UP HIS MOUTH and hten it's all "AAAAH~~~"
[23:53] Sephy: and it's saying how like the fight with the out-of-control jirou = lit up the fire within zelman!!!!
[23:54] Sephy: ahhhhh brain going in the gutter again
[23:54] Sephy: Zelman: go to sleep. Sayuka: I-Iya~~~
[23:54] Sephy: ... as in she doesn't want to like, iya, and not iyannn
[23:54] Sephy: but oh god
[23:55] Sephy: awwww sayuka
[23:55] Sephy: she doesn't want to go to sleep because she wants to keep looking at zelman
[23:55] Sephy: and saying how like, she likes matching up clothes and whatnot for him
[23:56] Sephy: and even though zelman looks REALLY GOOD in a suit
[23:56] Sephy: she likes him looking a little rough
[23:56] Sephy: oh my
[23:56] Sephy: and she's all *__* YOU LOOK SO HAPPY, ZELMAN-SAMA
[23:57] Sephy: AWWW ZELMAN
[23:57] Sephy: they're saying how right now, it's zelman's attitude toward sayuka has changed
[23:58] Sephy: because right now he can sort of understand her a little bit better
[23:58] Sephy: whereas before he's always like, superior and proud and cold and above her
[23:58] Sephy: oh by the way
[23:58] Sephy: this is all taking place on/near the bed
[23:58] Sephy: so
[23:58] Sephy: is this like foreplay for him
[23:59] Sephy: dolly is zelman like, part of the asura thing or something?
[23:59] Sephy: because if he is that next part sounds cute
[23:59] Dolly: oh yeah
[23:59] Sephy: yeah okay
[23:59] Dolly: Asura's bloodline
[23:59] Dolly: what does he say
[23:59] Sephy: because sayuka's all *_* are all asura people like you???
[23:59] Dolly: AWWWW
[00:00] Dolly: *A*
[00:00] Sephy: and zelman's like :(( \O_o/
[00:00] Dolly: ...pffft
[00:00] Sephy: and then sayuka laughs because she's all happy :(
[00:01] Sephy: sayuka says that before she met zelman, she's got like this impression of him being all LOVER OF WAR FUCK YEAH and hxc and stuff
[00:01] Sephy: since the asura line
[00:01] Sephy: but now she's all like, in some aspects, he's even more of a kid than she is
[00:02] Sephy: fuck dolly they're becoming my OTP
[00:02] Sephy: no wonder jirou died
[00:03] Sephy: I mean dolly
[00:03] Sephy: I mean sayuka
[00:03] Sephy: I mean zelman
[00:03] Sephy: whatever someone died
[00:04] Sephy: and then she giggles and zelman's like I DON'T LIKE THAT
[00:04] Sephy: but then she's all :\\\ how mean
[00:04] Sephy: and tells him to sleep
[00:04] Sephy: and zelman's like, he prefers to be on the move
[00:04] Sephy: and then she says she still has some blood left
[00:04] Sephy: and then more biting
[00:06] Sephy: AWWWWWW ZELMAN
[00:06] Sephy: Zelman's all WATCH MY BATTLE
[00:06] Sephy: and Sayuka's all ;__; YES MY LODO YES
[00:07] Sephy: ahhhhhhhh fuck you dolly why are they my otp
[00:07] Sephy: even though it's like kinks everywhere and pedo and WTF IS THIS PORN
[00:08] Sephy: and I don't even watch this stupid show
[00:10] Sephy: someone named Daru?? was all :||||| ARE YOU HERE BECAUSE YOU DON'T WANT TO LIVE at zelman
[00:11] Sephy: what kind of name is daru u_u
[00:12] Dolly: also sephy apparently Daru is a terrorist so
[00:14] Sephy: ohhh
[00:14] Sephy: .....XD;
[00:14] Sephy: how stereotypical ;_;
[00:14] Dolly: lol he wear a turban
[00:14] Dolly: wears even
[00:15] Sephy: dear lord
[00:15] Sephy: they're describing how like, zelman fights
[00:15] Sephy: and it's like SOME NOBLE DANCE
[00:18] Sephy: and now it's talking about how like, for jirou and daru, their blood line isn't necessarily so like, infatuated with wars and conflicts
[00:18] Sephy: but that it's very different for zelman since he's pretty much defined by conflicts
[00:18] Sephy: zelman is a rare specimen *_*
[00:18] Sephy: with very high level of combat skills!
[00:19] Sephy: ...and jirou warns zelman
[00:19] Sephy: all BEHIND YOU ;__;!
[00:19] Sephy: ...they're all fighting daru
[00:23] Sephy: ahhh waht is going on *read read*
[00:24] Sephy: well, the section with zelman fighting daru bin laden ended with like, zelman giving him one major attack and stuff, and this is after zelman's like :\ tch that attack at taht distance wouldn't work (re: some other attack)
[00:24] Sephy: ...and then it switches over to someone else somewhere else *read read*
[00:24] Dolly: jsfka I lol'd
[00:25] Dolly: oh right it stopped talking about Zelman so I probably skipped ahead or something
[00:27] Sephy: OH LORD
[00:27] Sephy: GAY
[00:27] Sephy: Jirou: Zelman :| that wound :|||| Zelman: Don't worry. It's nothing like what you gave me before
[00:27] Sephy: GOD WHY
[00:28] Dolly: sob
[00:28] Dolly: what wound
[00:28] Sephy: from daru
[00:28] Dolly: oh
[00:28] Sephy: no it's a sexy wound from daru ;D
[00:31] Sephy: daru's all HOHOHO WE CAN TURN THIS AROUND and zelman's like :\ wait what
[00:36] Sephy: oh god
[00:36] Sephy: so zelman like takes a major hit and he's all smiling even though he knows he's pretty much lost, but he's happy since he fought with his own abilities
[00:37] Sephy: ;________;
[00:37] Dolly: ;A; oh what
[00:37] Dolly: did bin laden injure him
[00:37] Sephy: and he like, can't recover from the wounds but he's still trying to like, face jirou and going all WHAT DO YOU PLAN TO DO TO KOTAROU
[00:37] Sephy: that part I'm not sure orz
[00:39] Sephy: he's all DIDN'T YOU BET DEATH on all of this NOOOOOOO DON'T DIE ZELMAN
[00:40] Sephy: and zelman's just all heh your mouth got tough and stuff like uhhhhhhh what's the word I'm looking for
[00:41] Sephy: and jirou's all thank you ;___; at ... what's left of zelman
[00:41] Sephy: .... T___________T
[00:41] Sephy: T___T I hate this
[00:43] Sephy: sayuka was mentioned when like, zelman lost consciousness
[00:43] Sephy: and the scene skipped to her and she's all ....Zelman-sama? ;_;
[00:44] Sephy: ....T___T NO THERE'S MORE
[00:44] Sephy: T___________T SAYUKA
[00:45] Sephy: T___T sayuuuuuuka
[00:45] Sephy: and she's like trying to unbutton her blouse for him
[00:45] Sephy: so HE CAN GET HER BLOOD :O
[00:45] Sephy: ...but uh no he's dead
[00:45] Sephy: my OTP of 2 days is already dead
buchounoseme: aww zelman opens up his eyes one last time and he looks at sayuka one last time!!!!!!!11!! ... then uh yeah he's really dead
buchounoseme: XD yeah, she like, tried to give her blood to zelman buuuuut no work ;_;
a velvet room: OTL
buchounoseme: ....and then he opened up his eyes one last time and looked at her then DIED
buchounoseme: T___T
a velvet room: and it was probably Daru that offed him or what D8
buchounoseme: probably? D:? doh I wasn't very clear on that X_X;
a velvet room: oh the wiki should say one sec *_*
buchounoseme: it could be jirou since it was talking about a silver sword and it mentioned that during last night's battle with jirou :o
buchounoseme: hoho
buchounoseme: oh he was offed by Rau :o
buchounoseme: he did it to protect kotarou *_*
buchounoseme: annnnd the blood of asura is now in sayuka
a velvet room: wait was Rau even in that scene
buchounoseme: SO HE DID IMPREGNATE HER *shot*
a velvet room: skfjal
buchounoseme: yeahhhh I'm confused since it's like !?!?
buchounoseme: maybe he showed up later or something u_u
a velvet room: is rau in the wiki
buchounoseme: yosh!
a velvet room: oho what does it say
buchounoseme: he's one of the epic sword people, and is adam's half brother
buchounoseme: annd he's in the red fang division?
buchounoseme: military
a velvet room: gd it
buchounoseme: and he was under orders from zaza to kill kotarou
a velvet room: what D8
buchounoseme: which is why zelman died siiiinnnce wanted to protect kotarou
a velvet room: a-awww ;A;
buchounoseme: ;_;
buchounoseme: ohhhh
buchounoseme: adam = kuron (kwron??) 's like, family head
buchounoseme: .... .__. so rau = must be uber powerful
a velvet room: D8
a velvet room: yeah Adam was the head of the Kowloon Children
a velvet room: Jirou fucked his shit up
buchounoseme: ohhh okay
buchounoseme: so rau is one of the direct descendants, but he ... didn't quite get the kowloon blood
buchounoseme: so instead he's helping the humans
buchounoseme: which is why he followed zaza's orders
buchounoseme: and zaza = the oldest
a velvet room: ohhh okay
buchounoseme: ;_; zelman
a velvet room: ;A; bawww
a velvet room: how did sayuka get his gd blood though D8
a velvet room: that makes no seeense
buchounoseme: ;__; yeah wiki doesn't say
a velvet room: sob
buchounoseme: it just says "now that blood lives on in sayuka"
buchounoseme: u_u
buchounoseme: ohhh okay
a velvet room: :O???
buchounoseme: the kwoloon people and the eve people traditionally .. don't get along, I'm assuming? (this one part I didn't catch too well X_X; )
a velvet room:
buchounoseme: and so zaza's trying to prevent kotarou from becoming that eve thingy or whatever
a velvet room: Jirou = eve and Jirou killed Henry wong |D
buchounoseme: so he orders rau to take care of kotarou, who's with mimiko right now
buchounoseme: HAHA XD
buchounoseme: no wonder u_u
buchounoseme: and rau's all MOVE, WOMAN :||||| I'M HERE FOR THE KID :|||| \
buchounoseme: ...and dear lord kotarou keeps fainting u_u
a velvet room: kotarou you disney princess ):
buchounoseme: ... u_u and mimiko is useless and is of course, HIT AND INJURED DX
buchounoseme: and both jirou, kain and zelman detect the presence of that silver sword thingy
a velvet room: of what
buchounoseme: the silver sword taht rau has
buchounoseme: so they rush over
a velvet room: ohhh
buchounoseme: yeahhh they rush over and jirou fights rau
a velvet room: fuck yes
buchounoseme: but it's like a HUUUGE panic and it doesn't help that mimiko's all SOMEONE HELP USSSSSS T____T
a velvet room: TAT!!
buchounoseme: .... so jirou is like, distracted and rau tries to kill kotarou by then
buchounoseme: ... and instead he hits zelman u_u
a velvet room: Zelman jumps in front??
buchounoseme: usu
a velvet room: ;A;
buchounoseme: even rau's like WHEN DID YOU SHOW UP
a velvet room: kasldjkasfa ;AAAAA;
buchounoseme: T_____T zelman whyyyyy
a velvet room: OTL
a velvet room: he died doing a good thing ;A;
buchounoseme: ;_; yes
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