(no subject)

Jun 21, 2006 23:39

I'm grumpy. Really grumpy.

Yesterday was the first day of SAS. To say it started out badly is an understatement. I took a sleeping pill the night before, @ 1am, fell asleep around 1:30 and was up around 6:30 to get read for work. The pill definitely hadn't worn off, but I was getting ready anyway, I went to let the dog outside, and when I turned on the light (with a little more force then necessary..) I managed to get a fishing hook that my idiot father had hung up for show (WAY too damn close to the light switch, it was old, used, and rusted) stuck in my finger (15 minutes before I had to leave). It was stuck about a centimeter in, and hurt like hell, I tried to get it out but couldn't because of the barb that was caught. I woke my Dad up who freaked the hell out when I did because I was crying and he didn't know why then he saw the huge lure thing hanging off of my hand. He tried to rip it out but couldn't, tore the hell out of the inside of my finger, and went to go get pliers to get it out. When he was grabbing them I managed to use the barb to break the skin after he helped rip the tissue and bring it to the surface. What a hell of a morning. I cleaned it up (it didn't stop bleeding for 6 hours) went to work, and wasn't late I might add. My mom freaked out when she was told, and came up to the store to tell me I needed to go in at 6 for a tetanus shot. So I worked 9 hours (which actually wasn't too bad) then went to the doctor, got a shot and anti-biotics plus a special cream. My leftarm hurts like hell from the shot, I can barely move it and my finger is killing me. It's all wrapped up in a miniture cast looking thing.


On top of that I only have one day off this week which is fine, but that was Sunday, and my next day off isn't until next Friday which is really going to wear me down. I don't know how I'm going to do it.

Why do these things only happen to me????
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