Now being used for
Jake Devon Anderson
Age: 24
Birthday: December 20
House: Former Hufflepuff
Profession: Bartender at The Drunken Piano
Relationship status: Single
Sexuality: Bisexual
Heritage: Halfblood
Adoptive Parents: Walter Anderson (48) and Victoria Anderson (47) [adoptive parents]
Siblings: Julie-Ann Anderson (20, former Hufflepuff)
Roommate: Natalie Miller
Jake had a rather memorable time at Hogwarts. It really started when sometime in fifth year, he accidentally discovered that he was adopted. While his younger sister was his biological sister and had always known she was adopted, Jake didn't have a clue about himself. It caused a lot of tension, acting out, and more than a few meltdowns, but he eventually made his peace with it.
Then came all the typical drama that comes with teenagers being in a confined space for too long. He had an on-again, off-again girlfriend Elley and never expected the "off" part to stick. Somewhere around 7th year, when Jake was more preoccupied with any girl that would pay him some attention, they broke up. Jake hated it and angsted over it for quite a while, but in the end, it had been his fault and there was nothing to do about it. So he made the most of it and spent a lot of time playing Quidditch and trying to get his act together to form a plan for the future.
That never really happened.
Since graduation, Jake has been working a string of jobs that pay just enough to get by and spending a lot of time with his best friend/roommate Natalie. He dates around a lot. It's so easy when he bartends and all the pretty boys and girls want to flirt with him. It seemed to shock some people, but somewhere around the summer after graduation, Jake began hooking up with men almost as often as women. Jake has a thing for sexy, fun people. Everything else is just details.
Including his job. It's just a thing that's going on. He'll get his act together some day. He'd like to get into writing but has absolutely no idea how to make that happen. He's only just started actually picking up sets to play piano and sing to an actual crowd. One day, maybe, he'll make a name for himself. Until then, he's going to just live his life as randomly as possible and float along. Things have always worked out for him eventually anyway.