Accomplishing the Unaccomplished

Jan 04, 2008 15:44

I’m not entirely sure if it matters enough to write a new LJ post or not since not very much has been going on lately. Basically our (Sara and I) job is redundant and boring. I basically sit around and listen to people who remind me of that “Nick Burns: Your Company’s Computer Guy” sketch that the god-like Jimmy Fallon did on SNL.

I’m not apologizing that I didn’t make a year-end list of events and sentimental crap. I passed on that ghey job to Kirk, and he seems to be doing well with it.

Bah, this LJ post has gone AWOL. I haven’t really been inspired to do more things. I’m not really sure what’s important anymore. Iowa causus vs. Britney’s 1st ’08 meltdown - no contest. Not even some good ol’ heavenly Huckabee charm can contend with that.

I’m happy to say I’ll let this year be one hell of a productive one. Tonight I’m going to watch Death Race 2000 and see how I feel about that. I will let you know. I’ve narrowed working at Von’s down to only Thursday nights, which should give me more time to:

-          Finish my dreaded online class that really isn’t online but done through snail mail

-          Work on making listenable music (Fun electro-pop)

-          Diet, lose weight, be healthy - whatever you want to call it (Goodbye Coke and alcohol)

-          Make it through Math and French 202 (BTW - I passed 201 somehow, wtf?)

-          Finish a couple lousy screen plays and shelf them…I must practice my ass off

-          Write for another zine or do an interactive media marketing internship

-          Write more for TMT and try to do more interviews and reviews

-          Work on short stories and form/style in general

-          Most importantly, getting married to Sara (it’s happening!)

-          I also want to graduate in ’08 and not just because it rhymes (my god, I’ve gotten lame)

All of those things are very applicable goals. Well, until the new Burger King opens. Then maybe things in the healthy part of my life might go to shiz, but I’ll do what I can. One thing is for sure though, and that is if I ever move onto a higher paying technical or professional writing job for a while to get on my feet, that I will at least make sure that it’s a job where I’m not bored to bloody tears.

I’ll be posting more short stories on my blog soon. As well, I will be posting mixes and Mp3’s…although I’m not 100% up to date on the legality, not many people will know about it anyways.
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