Who: Damita and Neo Saiba
What: Taking a mistletoe suggestion
Where: Neo's Place in Sanctity
It had been odd, that Damita had actually listened to what the mistletoe had said to her. But it did make sense in a way, a bounty hunter had to use all their resources and that includes their bodies and well... She did like Neo, and it had also mentioned that her and him were something. Just what that something is she wasn't quite sure.
But that was as far from Damita's mind when during the day she had gathered information on various subjects, and once she felt she knew enough? She had just sent Neo a quick message over the D-Comm telling him she wanted to talk to him alone, at his place.
So now she was outside his door, knocking lightly before adjusting her shirt, which is just a bit too tight, and waiting for his answer.