Setting the stage for TRIPPIN' BALLS, part the second

Jul 01, 2010 18:58

After his conversation with Cyrus, Uxie found himself in quite a sticky situation. If one person was going to start questioning whether Uxie was truly all-knowing or not, then it wouldn't take much for others to start asking that very same question.

There was no doubt in Uxie's mind that nothing he could have done would have convinced Cyrus absolutely -- the man had an almost remarkable gift for only seeing what he wanted to see. A vague, far-off, but believable prediction was deemed proof Uxie couldn't see the future. An accurate, short-term, but altogether unusual prediction would doubtlessly fall victim to wild conspiracy theories about how Uxie had rigged together some elaborate scheme to make his vision come to pass.

Which was exactly what he was going to do, mind, but who on earth was going to believe that? Uxie was a careful soul. He had done his best to present himself as amiable, lazy, and altogether harmless. A little eccentric, perhaps, but not to the point where anyone would truly believe such a tiny, good-natured thing to be capable of such a wicked deed. Uxie was confident that he was skilled enough to keep from leaving any evidence behind; if Cyrus were to attempt to publically announce that Uxie was no clairvoyant and was actually the one to blame for the nightmares that were inevitably going to occur, Uxie had faith that the rest of the school would simply come to dismiss Cyrus as paranoid.

At any rate, the fact that Cyrus was so convinced he was right could work out to Uxie's advantage. He couldn't see everything, that was true, but he was certainly above a mundane little human's level of perception. He didn't do things brashly. He'd made his prediction because he had known just what a certain student would be receiving in the mail that day, and he'd known just where said package was going to end up. And as luck would have it, he arrived just as said student was leaving. Uxie pressed himself against the wall, keeping out of sight around the corner.

"The Tazmily I knew, the Tazmily I made, and here... maybe I'm just imagining one of them, too."

The voice receded, then all was silent. Uxie waited a minute, then moved in.

There wasn't much dignity in rooting around in a trash can, but soon enough, dignity was going to be the last thing on this school's mind. He was going to have a very busy night ahead of him.

harmless pixie mischief, discord for discord's sake, bob won't like this

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