Title: Better Learn How To Kneel
leiascullyShip: House/Cuddy, House/Wilson
Genre: AU! Prompt 13 Variation: House is Jesus, Wilson is Judas, etc.
Summary: "Of all people, you're the savior of mankind?"
A/N: Many thanks to
savemoony for her beta powers! Also to
phoebesmum, Wikipedia, and the inexhaustible
imnotsatan for their excellent insight into the personalities of the apostles. Title is from U2's "Mysterious Ways".
Disclaimer: House M.D. and all related characters are property of Heel and Toe Films, Shore Z Productions and Bad Hat Harry Productions in association with NBC Universal Television Studio. I make no money from writing this and no infringement is intended, just deep admiration and a need to fill in some blanks.
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Better Learn How To Kneel (PG) )