Crossover Fic: 302

Jun 03, 2007 22:18

Title: 302
Author: Drunken_Hedghog
Pairing: House/Wilson
Rating: PG-13 (Violence, Language, Adult Themes)
Warnings: Crack. Lots and lots of Crack. A very small amount of Ancient Greek, translated at the bottom. Did I mention the Crack?
Genre: Crossover Crack
Spoilers: Very small one for Distractions.
Word Count: 1322
Disclaimer: If I owned any of it I’d be too busy playing to write fic.
Summary: From the Better On Vicodin Crack!Fest “300/House Crossover: THIS... IS... PRINCE-TON. 'Nuff Said. Bogus points if you used Von Liberman. Double Bogus Points if you are ANYHOW 'historically' accurate.”
Note: Crossover!Fic prompt 4 for the

betteronvicodin Crack!Fest.
So many thanks due to
savemoony and
karaokegal; the former for looking over this and helping me out historically, the latter for being a consistently brilliant beta. Any remaining mistakes are my own.

"What's Ancient Greek for 'Blow me'?"

crossover, house/wilson

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