Title: DDX, With Feeling
Author: dominus_trinus
Rating: Appropriate for teens and up.
Pairing: House/Wilson
Genre: Musical
Summary: House: The Musical ("Once More, With Feeling" version). Scrubs did it. Buffy did it. And we all know Wilson can swing-dance with the best of them.
Words: 7,294
Warnings: Meta, some angst (if either counts).
Feedback: Is
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[Song: The Patient (To the tune of “The Mustard.”)]
CAMERON (turns a cartwheel, sings):
The patient’s still okay!
*cracks up*
The Wilson/Tara number made the HW girl in me weep with joy. It was wonderful. Favourite line was: "but on relfection / 'twas mutual connection"
Ditto: "We’re both screwed up but still we fit.". Ah, squee.
I love the House verse of "Half drink, and half narcotic haze", I think it fits the original rhythm perfectly.
We have been here all night working.
Does anybody even care?
*Cracks up* No.
"CUDDY (mutters): I don’t know what’s stranger: what’s about to happen or that he seems to think Oncology grinds to a halt all those hours he spends managing House."
Nice comment.
"(HOUSE cuts WILSON off by crushing their lips together. It’s not tender-in fact, it probably almost bruises-but it gets the job done. After several seconds, they separate. WILSON stares at HOUSE.)"
As all their arguments should be finished, I feel. I enjoyed this a lot.
The "Under Your Spell" rework worried me at first--I was concerned that it was so sweet (especially given its initial soprano voice performance, complete with pink sparkles) that it would be utterly emasculating to have Wilson sing it. I'm glad it came out sweet without degenerating into sappiness.
The "still screwed up..." line was a favorite of mine, too.
That line would fit (I make all the lines fit by charting the rhyme schemes and syllable counts beforehand), but I had to work with that number, since Spike has a tendency to drawl instead of biting off the sounds where you'd expect; and that, of course, affects the tempo.
The Fellows thing just kind of came to me--I was thinking, 'Hmm, does anyone care what they're doing right now? I mean, I'm just checking in because I need to do something with this number...' So I made it meta.
Similar story with Cuddy's line--I can't be the only one who's noticed that, for a young, supposedly overachieving Head of Oncology, Wilson is very seldom shown doing anything directly related to his job. (When I first started watching the show, he spent so much time in Diagnostics that I mistook him for a fellow.)
I like it when their arguments end in a kiss, too...and it just seemed like something House would do right then.
Glad you enjoyed!
I don't know, it seems a common line in fic to have him lured away from work by the line "you have a hole department which are going to ground to a halt if you're not there?". I've always seen him as an equal to House, in a way, so never thought he was a fellow. But you're right: with a plot which centres around House, to have a character appear they need to be near him. He's usually working in his office in the evenings though, and I think he's been more hands on throughout season 3.
Well, to be fair to Tara, she let off the green sparkles, which are slightly less emasculating than the pink sparkles of Willow. Then again, I've always thought that the Xander/Anya song was more sappy, but perhaps I'm just not too fond of it.
Syllable counts! Iii, I admire how well you've tried to stick to the original song. I think that the extra care on that number really comes through, and it works brilliantly. The question is - can you listen to the originals without smiting their tricky meter?
I know Tara conjured the blue-green sparkles; I'm just saying that the pink sparkles (which were more prominent) didn't exactly bring the sap quotient of the piece down in general. Maybe the X/A song is sappier, but it's also a comedic number (as opposed to romantic), so it's done mostly tongue-in-cheek. They don't touch on their basic concerns until the last verse or two, and everything before that was primarily banter.
Yes, I actually sit and count the syllables (because I am that much of a perfectionist), which did work well with tthat number. I can listen to the originals and maintain the meter, although I do have to distinguish between the originals and my own--in spite of my obsessive efforts, there're small differences here and there. And I agree wholeheartedly--it is incredibly tricky meter.
Learned that the hard way. *grins*
And you have a point about Wilson in the evenings: I guess the department lives in hope that he gets enough done before the interruptions! I agree with you, I don't think House would have kept him so close were he less than intelligent in his own right, I mean, he can bounce ideas off the fellows.
I'm never going to be able to say "the fellows", without reverting into remarkably dated British slang. Ah well, they'll just have to be ducklings.
I think that obsessive efforts are rather hard to beat: you give in and you have to work extra hard, you don't give in, and then you'll never be content with what you've done. It's definitely paid off here though! A great start to the community.
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