"Putting it to the Test" House/Mythbusters crossover. 3775 Words, Rated PG13

Oct 14, 2007 22:43

Title: Putting it to the Test
Fandom: House MD/Mythbusters crossover. (Crack!fic, in case you weren't sure.)
Pairings: House/Wilson, Jamie/Wilson implied, others implied.
Wordcount: 3775
Rating: PG13
Notes: Written for betteronvicodin
Only being posted like TWO MONTHS LATE!!!
One of the hardest things I've ever done and I'm not sure I ever really "cracked" it. Thanks to EVERYBODY who listened to the whinging and whining while I tried and especially to savemoony for massive amounts of hand-holding and first Beta and to hannahorlove for pinch hitting a second go-round of Beta notes.

Crossover prompt #93: House/Mythbusters-Dr. Cuddy is always looking for donations, so when the Mythbusters offer a big sum to the hospital if Adam and Jamie are allowed to test some theories at PPTH, she can't say no, can she?

Don't try this at home.
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