Feb 15, 2006 10:45
I dont want to go to school. This quarter is killing me. So hard...I'm just ready for it to be over. Ready for it all to be over. I want to move on to bigger and better things. I don't want to be tied down by my education any longer. Bah. 28 days...thats less than a month. Well, its the same as February...I can't wait. My tummy hurts. I've been meaning to get so much done lately...but I just haven't felt up to it. I need to do laundry too. And clean my room. Plus, there are about 683 books and games and movies and whatever I want to read/watch/play. And I want to paint...and scrapbook. I have no pictures to scrap...From now on, I shall be following all of you around with a camera...be prepaired.
Its weird how quickly some people can change. Or at least get tired of being fake around you. It's weird how you can think you know someone so well, and then *bam* in an instant everything you thought you knew was wrong. Its actually quite scary. To find out that the person you knew actually didnt exist. I used to be like that...I used to hide, wear a mask to keep the real me in. I was always too afraid of what people would think if they knew the *real* me. I'd like to think that I've grown since then...whenever then is. It's easier for me to relax around people. Not always, espeically when I meet new people, but I'm still working on that. I just figure its easier to be who I am, then work so hard to be someone I'm not.
Ok, I didnt mean to get into all of that.
Time to go...have a great day kids.