Nov 12, 2003 17:57
So I came up to my mom's house to visit, before she goes on vacation. It's ok here...I get bored though b/c all my old friends for whatever reason, don't want to talk to me brother comes in last night & tells me that Joann, and Celine have been talking shit...saying how "I've changed", and that "I am a bad person now", oh and that they think I'm bi...b/c I kissed ONE FUCKING girl.....OMG...yeah I'm bi...OMG *DIES*...what-the-fuck-ever....lmfao....Funny how neither one of them have even bothered to pick up the phone and call me since I have moved..they haven't even talked to me and they are making these assumptions...That's just great...They have no idea how I've been, so how do they know if I have changed?....If I was bi...don't you think I would have kissed more than one girl?!?!!?!? lmfao. Ignorant people they are...And to think I was supposed to be living with them right now....nice friends huh? They pretty much did the same thing to Kristie...they turned on her too...and Kristie didn't even do anything!!!!! Aye yay aye...The petty shit I have to deal with when coming back home to good Ol' Rancho Cucamonga. Times like this especially that make me really fucking glad I moved almost 2 hours away.
Anywhoo...My mom got 2 new Yorkshire Terrier puppies....they are so tiny, and so LOVEABLE....they don't even run away when you go to pick them up or play with them...I love these puppies...I brought my camera up here and so far I have takes 16 pictures of them, on a 25 picture roll..lmfao...I was holding one last night and it just fell asleep in my lap while I was on the computer...I would go to move him and he would move..get situated, then fall back asleep. The other one moves around, and wiggles a lot more. But both are too cute...The other 2 dogs get really jealous though...The same one that fell asleep in my lap is the same one that tried to hump my leg, and arm all day!?!?! It's only 15 weeks old....calm down buddy!
Anyway enough about my mom's puppies....
Work is still going are good on the weekends...but pretty much suck on the weekdays. But hey...what can ya do? It's not as ghetto as past places I've worked. And that is ALWAYS a good thing.
Oh yeah Megan(Megan_M) told me about this movie called Camp Cucamonga....she brought it up b/c that is my hometown (rancho Cucamonga)...It sounds interesting, and I guess there are a lot of well known actors/actresses....if any of you have seen if or know anything about it...let me know!!!!! I think Megan said that she had never seen a copy of it in a video that kind off sucks!=/
So while having a bad night last night, this made me smile today:
Mikey: i have my own personal shortbus :D
Laura: lmfao...can I ride it?
Mikey: certainly
Laura: Come pick me up in it?!?!?
Mikey: seriously, everyone would be so envious, youll be Super famous
Laura: it would be the greatest thing EVAR
Mikey: 'cause involves you and i.
Laura: Everyone would be even more jealous if we made out!!!!!
Mikey:thats brilliant, you're the master genious batman
Laura: and we are the coolest anal loving superhero out of the closet duo ever!
Laura:indeed robin...i am so smart
man we are the funniest people<33 I love Mikey!!!!!
Batman/Robin duo FOREVER!!!!!
p.s. It's so fucking cold in my moms house right now!!!!!! brrrrrrrrrrrrrr..someone keep me warm!