So here's the reason behind Kurt's post. PLEASE RESPECT THE FOURTH WALL. This happened in the past, and this post is OOC.
Rassilon: [You should stay. *holds her there* Tell me what this is about or I shall be forced to look myself.]
Context: After some nexusLOL involving NES guns and shapeshifting, Rassilon gets squashed and a few ribs broken. Since Mark is there, he calls Clair in to tend to Rass. Clair treats him there, not wanting to bring him back to her lab due to sneaky reasons. During the process, Rassilon is given medication that makes him brainfuzzy and he notices that she's doing a lot of mental hiding and starts poking to find out why.))
* Clair shakes. Trying to leave and stuck. [Research. Let me go.]
Rassilon: [... research? *pokes into her mind to look closer, though strangely gently*]
((meanwhile LOL guns are fired and corrected, and Mark takes a pink candy and gets giddy))
* Rassilon is busy poking in Clair's mind and isn't hearing what's going on.
* Clair is pale and staring, her actuators curled around her.
Kurt: Ah. *stares at the guns*
* Mark_ notices Clair and her condition. Goes to her, puts a hand on her shoulder through the actuators
Kurt: Mark.
Kurt: Tell me not to be an idiot.
* Clair jumps and looks at him. "Yes?"
Kurt: Ach sorry
Mark_: You okay, Clair?
Rassilon: [*slips in while she's distracted*]
Kurt: mind your sister. I am just being maudlin.
Mark_: and, don't be an idiot, Kurt! But you're not an idiot, I don't think. You'd be drooling more.
Clair: Y-yeah.
Mark_: you don't look so good. *patpat*
Kurt: Heh. Danke.
* Kurt looks at Claire. Then at Rassilon. Oh. Errmph.*
Kurt: [...what? what is going on?]
Rassilon: [ And it's all in there. Long monotonous experiments with Kate, Gabe, Professor X's son, whose name she doesn't know. Doctor. That's what's on the surface.]
Rassilon: [Experimentation on telepaths....]
Kurt: [Professor...what?! Mein Gott!]
Kurt: [What will we do?]
Rassilon: [I don't know. I trusted her....]
Mark_: you want something to drink? I can make you up something.
Clair: Tea? *smile? Well, it's an attempt*
Rassilon: [*has, unfortunately, found a good deal of what he's been looking for*]
Rassilon: *stares* You...
Mark_: Sure, just the thing! It will be fantastic tea.
* Mark_ dashes off to get it.
Kurt: :\
Clair: Mark, I really need to get home. *IGNORING Rassilon*
* Rassilon is staring at her, looking as though he doesn't know what to do.*
Mark_: Yes, that's fine, I'll drink it. Feel better, huh?
* Mark_ looks from Clair to Rass and back again.
Mark_: are you bothering my sister?
Kurt: why do you not see her home, Mark?
Kurt: Bring the mug there are plen- nnh.
Mark_: alright, Kurt?
Clair: You okay?
* Rassilon makes a decision, though, and wraps a powerful mental grip around Clair.*
* Rassilon holds her in place and looks at Kurt.
* Clair s actuators go flump and she sits down, pulled down by their weight.
Mark_: yes, that's a good idea, I think we'll go home. I don't like the way that man you /helped/ is staring at you - whoa.
* Kurt sits up
Kurt: Ach, please, let us all be calm. What is going on please?
* Kurt stands. He's not sure if Mark will try to attack Rassilon*
Mark_: hey now, that's really not good. Can you get those metal claws under you? Seriously, Clair, I think you need to be home.
Clair: I can't reach them.
* Mark_ tugs on Clair a bit, trying to pull her to her feet. Even tries to pick up the actuators and set them all claws-down on the floor.
Mark_: what, you mean, they just broke? Oh, that's not good. Here, take them off and Otto can come get them later and fix them.
Kurt: [her brother is here, and there is no law in the Nexus]
Rassilon: [It is true that there is no law in the Nexus. What would you suggest be done? *sounds very neutral*]
Kurt: [Me?! ... Let her go, for now. Ask that she stop anything that she is doing. Right now, this is not the way to do this.]
* Kurt comes over also, helping to support her so that she is not sitting on any actuators
* Mark_ is oblivious to any mental control.
Rassilon: *calmly* And before you do that, you'll tell me what possessed you to do what you've done.
* Clair shakes her head. "Mark, I'll be f-fine." Looks up at Rassilon. "...."
* Rassilon waits for an answer.
Kurt: Mark...there is more tea in the kitchen and maybe some sandwiches. Do you think that would be a good idea?
Kurt: To help her feel better?
Mark_: No, no, I think I know what the problem is. *looks at Rassilion*
Kurt: She just helped heal him, Mark.
* Rassilon is still waiting.
Kurt: Wrapped his ribs up and all.
Clair: I have to know. *almost desperate*
* Kurt is praying hard in the back of his head
Mark_: yes, that's part of it. Excuse me, sir. I'm not sure if you're familiar with the customs of our world, but typically it's rude to control another's body without their permission.
Rassilon: *ignores Mark* And it did not occur to you to find willing subjects?
Mark_: *ignores the ignore* and this is also my sister you're messing with, so kindly keep your powers to yourself, yes?
Mark_: ...oh, is that what this is about.
* Mark_ stands infront of Clair, inbetween her and Ras.
* Rassilon doesn't need to have a line of sight. Continues ignoring Mark.
Clair: I couldn't find -any-.
Rassilon: Had you looked?
* Kurt snakes his tail to rest against Mark's shoe ever so lightly
Mark_: Look, I'm not too thrilled with Clair's research either, but if you've come to talk ethics, can we do this in a civilized fashion?
* Mark_ looks down at the tail and then over to Kurt
Mark_: yes?
* Clair won't answer that.
Kurt: Please, everyone. Calm. Can we leave this for tonight?
Kurt: [Please, Rassilon. The boy will fight, and it will only escalate.]
Rassilon: Had you?
Mark_: right, exactly what I'm saying.
* Rassilon sighs and releases her.* I trusted you.
* Clair lets the actuators pull her to her feet. "I know. But I don't decline what falls into my lap."
Kurt: Can...Doctor, can I ask why you do this?
Mark_: yeah, I'd kind of like to know as well.
Mark_: what makes you think you have any right to do so, for starters.
Clair: Because it's... *looks at Mark, hurt*
Mark_: ((that was to Ras))
Kurt: Please? I am sure you would not do such things without a good reason.
Clair: I cured AIDS for our world. Do you think I could have done that at the snail's pace research is allowed to go?
Kurt: ...
Kurt: Doctor...I am sorry. Too many of my friends, of my kind have been unwilling subjects. Treated as less than animals, as things only and not people. I'm sorry but the means do not justify.
Kurt: Not when the means have names and pasts and hearts.
* Lan[Out] might still be in the hallway.
Clair: I'm not cruel. I know every one of their names, I know their stories, I don't treat them like animals.
Kurt: You do not treat them as men, if you give them no choice.
* Mark_ doesn't really know what to say. He agrees with Kurt, of course, but also agrees with Clair.
Mark_: But that Grey fellow, he was happy in the end.
Kurt: Doctor, you healed Norrington. I brought him to you in good faith, and you did well by him.
Mark_: in a way, you healed him.
Kurt: But if I had known this, I would not have done so.
* Clair clenches her fists, lifting herself on the actuators. "Science is more important than men. I don't have a choice either, this is what I am."
Kurt: NO!
* Kurt yells now
Kurt: Science is FOR men.
Mark_: Hay, Please, Kurt!
Kurt: Nothing, NOTHING, is so important that it justifies the degradation of even one person.
Clair: No. Science is for /mankind/.
Kurt: And if you believe that then you are mad, freulein, and I will pray for you.
Kurt: Yes. And each man is just as valuable as another.
Clair: I don't deny that.
Kurt: Then how can you justify this to yourself?
Kurt: No person thinks of herself as evil, Doctor, this I know, but that does not justify what they do.
Clair: I don't. I do my best by my patients, even when I can't let their choices interfere.
Mark_: Look, we all do stuff we're not proud of, alright? I think this is enough for tonight. Clair, please go home, I'm sorry I dragged you out here.
Kurt: then they are not patients, Doctor
Kurt: They are subjects
Kurt: and you have made them less than men.
Kurt: You know this, though.
Kurt: You know this. And you must make this choice. But if you are justified to make the choice to take agency away from others, then so are others justified to take it away from you
Kurt: remember this, Doctor.
* Clair straightens, and speaks low. "I know." Oh, does she ever know.
* Mark_ bristles. "they did."
Kurt: How has what Rassilon did tonight any different from what you did to your subjects?
Clair: And it makes me afraid to ever let them have 'agency' back, once I have them.
Kurt: Then she should know better, young man.
Kurt: Then you should not TAKE them!
Kurt: Listen to yourself!
Kurt: Do you not hear this? Do you not hear how mad this is?
Kurt: You are not god!
Clair: I know!
Clair: I've never claimed to be right, or to be god.
Kurt: And yet you act in this way?
Kurt: Your words and your actions do not match
Kurt: And at the end of the day, it is the actions that your victims suffer
Clair: I -know- this is mad. That's why they call us mad scientists. And yet we make the advances that push the world forward.
Kurt: At a price that is unacceptable!
Kurt: Was the rape of Nanking justified?
Clair: Aren't you going to compare me to the Holocaust? I've heard it before.
Kurt: So much, so much did scientists and doctors learn, from the sheer torture of the Chinese people during World War II. Unspeakable, vile acts that not even the Germans did. Worse worse.
Clair: I. Am. Not. Cruel.
Kurt: It is a matter of degree
Kurt: If I punch your brother or I shoot him, am I any less wrong?
Mark_: KURT. there are others out there that deserve this far more than my sister does. Please. Drop this for now.
Kurt: Then I will catch them also. It does not forgive it, Mark! Please! I am sorry but it does not make it okay.
Kurt: Ach
Kurt: very well.
* Clair fumes. "You will not -catch- me."
Kurt: Freulein, do not push me.
Kurt: besides you are already caught
Kurt: I will not keep this information to myself. I cannot
Kurt: You work in the clinic! People trusted you!
Kurt: Aufweidershoen.
Kurt: *BAMF!*
* Clair is white. "Wait!"