
Apr 27, 2009 17:08

This community was made in the hopes of providing yet more high quality free layout services to the general masses of LiveJournal. Maybe provide more than that when I feel in the ~mood~. I really like to code websites, and though styling LJ layouts is one of the more frustrating experiences one can partake, I generally like the end result and the fact others appreciate what I do as well.

So, please, if you like something here, feel free to take and use!

If you ever do use, please credit back to betterdolphin or if linking off LJ. Comments are appreciated.

Information to know
(A quick rundown, if ever necessary I will expand/make it more organised.)

-Please host images on your own servers, or, if you lack that, use PhotoBucket.

-These layouts are tested in an IE7 and Firefox3 environment ONLY. Usually my layouts work fine in Safari, Opera and other up-to-date browsers. However, I cannot guarantee that they will work well in IE6 or any not-up-to-date browsers.

-Layouts are available to all account levels, though, note, the ads of Plus level may make them a bit off, nothing much to be done about that, I apologise.

-You can use these codes on other blogging interfaces if you know how to do such things. I will not help you, otherwise. (Though, I may try to tweek some layouts to be used on Wordpress/Blogger for people to download and use as well.) But you must link back for credit and leave all headers in CSS intact, just like you would for your LJ.

-If you are able to edit CSS and want to change colors/headers, be my guest at using my stylesheets as a launching pad.


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