(no subject)

May 30, 2023 03:31

Here's a smaller thingy:

yo! II'm maul, my time zone is GMT+1 i saw your advert and am interested, I have a lot of ocs, but unfortunately I don't know much about much, I understand if this puts you off thats fine, I don't actually look into lore that much and prefer to build pore and details with my partner, I'm looking for a romantic role play but prefer a slow burn, I have lots of OCS we can build upon, infact I think is perfectly reasonable for our RP to take place in, but perhaps before the riots and such if that is okay with you, here's a little bit about me- I was previously illiterate, i learnt to read three years ago, and I had a very poor school, but learnt through discord, and other sources, of there's any questions please let me know, and I'll happily answer them!

**TLDR:** I'm maul, I copy my partners literacy, I have many OCS, I can play self inserts, and can make ocs on spot. I enjoy all rp, combat, horror, chill, romance, erotica... I enjoy plots, intense or mundane...

***TLDRA::*** I love you unconditionally.

Okay now it gets bigger!

Heres some samples: there's maybe like three and I don't blame you if you skip them


***as per usual my old man was nothing but useless tonight, bottle in hand and other on the wheel, or asleep in the cabin leaving me to do all the dirty work, I did preform tasks without his permission every now and then otherwise nothing would simply get done, even other crew members abused my trust using me like some kind of robot who was simply programmed to follow orders, I luckily was usually a quick worker, everyone asleep it left me in charge of the deck, just as you said.***

****that night, I was particularly restless, not finding rest as I had far too much energy to actually sleep well, along with the mix of my usual night terrors and parched throat and in general, just a misbehaving miserable body that didn't want to be what I demanded it to through training work and all that effort I put into it. It usually isn't so bad though. Not as bad as now. I'd creak along the rotten old wood of the ships floors, each step moaning through the halls with a discomforting CCCCRRRROOOAAAAAKKKK***

***I had to he particularly stealthy, so I timed it between sways and the crashes of the waves, so the creaking and stepping didn't disturb any of these unreliable sailors, as I March to the top, I was finally on the top of the ship, where I would stare briefly in the water, pondering the seas embrace.... what it would be like to feel the water upon my skin and to relax with the dishes, the sea life and to see those vibrant coral reefs up close... what a dream, as if!***

***I snap out of my small day dream, or, I rather this would be a night dream, so maybe just the word dream will suffice, chuckling to myself as I sign a small song, looking out to the sea all the same, simply not getting lost in thought, admiring the landscape...or rather the lack of it, yes, but simply was no longer distracted, not for long at least. I examine the rocks singing my song*** "take you back, doo do doo, take you back, do do do dooo take you back like before~ now I've been told by... some people and they aalllll, said they'd take me back! Take me back, like before..." ***this was an uncommon shanty, an uncommon song infact...but I liked it all the same... I sigh really trying to get adjusted to the thought of this being my new life... my father and a bunch of strangers sailing the seas forever, making trades and finding new places... it didn't sound SO Bad... not initially at least.but my aching bones, his tested mind and my constant sickness would disagree.***

***a particular bunch of rocks grab my attention, they almost looked like a destroyed ship for a second! Even so, they're a bit too close for comfort... and, is that movement?.. perhaps a trick of the eyes... then again, I've been experiencing these tricks all day, all week, perhaps the sea was finally getting to me... a few short minutes pass , my gaze still upon the slight movement upon the rock and... I was right... a humanoid figure. I stare intensely getting lost, breathing heavily almost hyperventilating.***

***I get ready to call the crew but.... then you speak... and I simply fell over, landing on my back as I breath rapidly trying to find the courage to speak to such a beautiful creature... hell, I was still trying to determine if you were real!***


Sample two;

"good luck!" ***he said as she left ... he then knew that she couldn't hear him after she took some steps.*** "you'll need it." ***he said sarcastically. The streets were packed and busy as usual just a bunch of people going to people places and doing people things, advertisements for a boxing match around the city, some druggies getting supplies from Daffyds Lackies, as if taunting Kaisa. She'd get closer and closer to her location...and there he was , the man of the hour! Charlie, the detective of which Daffyd was having ttrouble with, taking a quote from a skinny scrawny man in bad shape, with clear needle marks around their skin.***


Sample three:

***Max sighs deeply and holds his new lover in his arms speaking a soft:*** "I love you"


sample four:

***As you listened to the old woman's voice over the crackling phone line, its certain that anyone else couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. Her voice quavered and trembled as she spoke, as if it were no match for the weight of the years that had worn her down. It was a voice that spoke of fear and uncertainty, as if she were standing at the edge of an abyss and peering into the darkness beyond. Yet, for all that, there was a certain peace in her tone, a sense of acceptance that bordered on resignation. It was as if she knew her time was drawing to a close, and that the terrors of the world no longer held any sway over her. The more she spoke, the more likely it'd be that most anyone else could have felt a creeping sense of dread spreading through my body, like tendrils of darkness seeking to snuff out the light. It was a voice that conveyed both the fragility of life and the resilience of the human spirit, leaving just about most peoples identity and mind, feeling both terrified and strangely comforted at the same time. The phones connection is busted , worn to a faint crackle as if reaching arms around your shoulders, the radio silence in the background just humming, this accursed buzzing which had no likeness to humanity despite the human words which it uttered in good English grammar and a scholarly accent, fiendish buzzing… like the drone of some loathsome, gigantic insect ponderously shaped into the articulate speech of an alien species... finally this vilanious crack had stopped, so the woman's voice may be heard*** "Hello?-" ***she struggled to speak, as if she had a cough or sore throat, that sense of peace gone in a snap as if you had now began speaking to an entirely new person, but it was rather unfortunate the words they spoke were not comprehensible. Now you are left with the woman, ill, and frightened.*** "Hello, can you hear m-"

***she splutters and coughs, cutting off her speech.*** "Can you hear me? oho hello, yes, I had heard about some kind of exorcist? Or spirit expert? I am uncertain of what they called it, but I'd like them to come here as soon as possible, the location is a mansion, the Llary residence? W-well it used to be at least... until it was left empty. I was left it in a will, and as you can imagine I'd quite like to move in, the workers and such I asked to start moving stuff always start screaming and running away before long... and the men who collect the items to give away for wills and such are treated the same, sometimes with a bruise... I haven't been sleeping there, I haven't visited the house yet I'm far too intimidated, and I'd quite like to have my things move over and be safe before I go.. I'd also like to be safe myself actually. Uhm, I can happily pay! Name your price!" ***The woman is certainly looking for someone capable.*** "So, can you do it? Or rather, will you at least try? I don't understand how this ghost stuff works so I don't know the proper etiquette I'm sorry... so if you can start the job ASAP, I'd really appreciate it! The address is Random street lane, in insertum cityium nameous , in the Country assumed title! The post code is FUK077,its a small walk away from 'the bizarre park' , and the shop called 'bits and Bob' think you know it? Large mansion, grey walls, grey roof?"


Sample five:

***Max watches the rain happily, his previous body language gone as he melts into something different. He just smiles and watches the rain through the window, his thoughts empty, all he could think of was how the rain actual worked, he wasn't the smartest. But he was rather curious, like a child discovering a new flower or bug. He was still, where as before he was bouncing on the spot... He's literally a dog.***

***his shirt slightly rides up, body type is quite admirable he's worked hard for it, his shoulders are broad and nice, the lighting really helped, and his abs are quite well shapen visible due to the shirt that moved up him, as for his chest, well that's the impressive bit, you don't really see people his age with well shapen chests. It was muscular and honestly he was proud. He wore sweat pants and with one leg all bunched up, revealing his shaven legs and... Who guessed it... Chissled features. His entire body is toned and muscular, he very much prides himself in it.His lips slightly parted to show off his teeth, clean and tidy, but one of them is chipped. His hair is untidy and still slightly damp, blond and in a downward clump, it wasn't all that long though, to his eyebrows that were pretty well shapen for his face structure,which was somewhat restricting, it made his face cute rather than handsome, but some did consider him handsome. His eyes are blue and his lips are quite inviting, he looks after his appearance. ***


Sample six::

***the gym is dark and empty, for all you can tell from the amount of light in doors there's only one bag at the back and a man punching it... His punches were slow but powerful echoing through the entire building as he impacts the bag... POW!... POW! one after another BOOM... BOOM... As you call out... His posture drops and he holds the bag still. Grabbing the lantern that lights him and the bag.***

***as he walks towards Inigo, his feet upon the floor. The light landing upon his muscles... His build was large, his muscles bountiful but not in a gross way... They were honestly quite attractive... He had a very good build it SCREAMED "fighter." his entire body built for battle... For the purpose to deliver a pounding and take one too... ***

***his hair was blond and worn down in a bedhead style as his smile became visible the body language was open and flowing, like a brother or a friend, as he tried to speak and talk*** "heya mate! Do i know you?" ***he had a Welsh accent it wasn't posh though it was very common in fact it was from a slummy location, this was not his typical living area. This was a major upgrade even though considered somewhat average.***


I have many more but this should be fine.

I'm previously illiterate, 24 years old, male, and a boxer...

KINKS: I like rough stuff, breeding, degrading, praise, light bdsm, and compassion so hold my hand, kiss me say you love me.

Limits: vore, piss, shit  ALSO, PLEASE DONT SEND OR ASK FOR A SELFIE.

WARNINGS: IM SADISTIC AS FUCK I'm in a pretty bad spot rn, and will probably be a bit depressing.

OK so, reply when you can, and I'll see you soon. Ask questions!

Ok listen up im not gonna make this fucking massive, im a flexible roleplayer, can do self inserts, can play OCS and am willing to do some homework. If youre interested by that go ahead and dm me BetterCaIlMaul#4975 CHECK YOUR CAPS, THAT IS bettercailmaul, BETTERCAILMAUL on discord.com , i am not gonna do a 500 word essay as to why you SHOULD, just simply know you should. I will explain kinks and limits there, i am dominant, can be submissive, and quite honestly we dont even have to do ERP because i prefer romance. Okay cool, dm me, no more words bosh bing boom.

Key words:role-play role-playing RP RPING roleplay roleplaying role-player RPER Roleplayer partner searching looking

Also please no selfies.
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