reminder: apply for a passport.

May 07, 2010 15:58

this fckn coffee is giving me teh jitterz. i'm currently creeping in the cocc (cock lol) library...waiting for inspiration to strike. i have a little faith this go around. i think this term is going quite well now that i've got some words down on paper for this bitch of an assignment.

ew, it's cloudy today. but it's warm? i don't like feeling led on like this, weather!!
i want sunshine, freckles, bike rides, cocktails, inside jokes, cool grass and all the windows open during a thunder storm. mmm :)

a few thangs on maaaa brain:
spain > everything else; grants and scholarships will be applied for
nikki's moving out in july; gotta find a new roomie or move in with somebody else before then
pending graduation = booyah
stefany's wedding ♥
sarah's graduation/family reunion :)

to do list:
consolidate my belongings
ask fellow travelers for help planning
get info on schools in spain
find milo a home (prolls with the parents)
set aside some money to fix my car up enough to sell it before i leave- maybe get a couple grand for it? dunno.
maybe do that egg donation thang? hm... $6500 does sound pretty bitchin'
and keep my chin up along the way

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