UMM .. YAA !

Apr 18, 2005 22:24

Heyy yall ! Heres another entry .. Of more the happend today .:-] today was alot of funn ! Like at 8:00 or something me and my sister and Courtney -me and my sisters friend went to the mall - It was soo muchh funn ! We kept going to my sisters job [limited too] and we where talking to her manager and her friend nicole .. My sister is like these are my sisters courtney and arielle and there twins ! i was like .. umhumm .. [?] lol . Nicole is soo funny! but they didnt beileve a word we said ! Heather told us to go to abercrombie and tell this guy .. i forgot his name.. lol .. and tell him to go visit nicole ! It was sooo funny cuz we went in and where like to this person who was there heyy do u know where [i dontknow] is . and she like yaa he's in the back . so we went in the back and he wasnt there .. so then we went to this guy and where like hey do you work here and he's like no ! so then we went to this ladii and where like can you tell us where .. is .. and shes like hes in the back !!! where like ookk !! obviously he wasnt there so then my sister saw this guy and these girls and shes like that him ! [shes never seen him before] and shes like hey are you .. and hes like no ! he left.. where like ooo hes like im trever but .. left ! soo then we went to limited too and told nicole how idiotic we sounded and she was cracking up .. so then we see him infront of the store talking with his friends ! so my sis called him in and he came ! SOO THE STORY GOES ONN !

So then we went to coach and my sis showed me the coach she is gettin .. i forgot when .. And then we went in this other store where they had glasses [that cost like 200$!] and me courtney nd my sis where trying them on! WE LOOKED SOO SEXII ! HAHA ! SOO then we tried on these other ones and they looked like sking glasses or something like that and where Im like i look better then both of you in these glasses and we where all cracking up and my sister is like you biotch ! im like .. hahaha !! So then we went to kids foot locker and passed by my sisters love erik . i think his name was .lol . But she was aa bunch of loves . thats just on on her list ! Lol . Starting with Leonard Dicaprio . lmso ! haha ! so we all started talking it was soo funn ! and she told him that hes moving her store across from his ! and then shes going there moving again to liek american eagle's old place ! american eagle got a new place and there store is humungo ! soo then eric is like ya and we can make hand signals to eatch other .. or he said something like that ! haha ! so then we left . we didnt buy anything . we where just hanging out .. yaa .. soo thats all .. Im not gona say anything elsee !

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