Fic: A Place To Rest (3/4)

Mar 04, 2006 13:37

Title: A Place To Rest (3/4)
Author: NNWest (nnwest)
Rating: PG
Characters: Doctor9/Rose/Jack
Summary: "You're such crap at this sitting around stuff."
Spoilers: 'Alien Bodies' by Lawrence Miles and Jack.
Disclaimer: Don't own them. But writing about them is the only way to get them out of my head.
Archive: Sure, just let me know.

A/N: Great thanks to my wonderful betas wendymr and dark_aegis. Special thanks goes to wendymr without whom this fic would have been 1300 words instead of 8500.

Part 1
Part 2

(Part 3)

xposted everywhere: nnwest, time_and_chips, better_with_3, dwfiction, galactic_conman
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