Fic, Dancing Lessons, 28/33: Synchronized Swim

Aug 13, 2008 18:16

Story: Dancing Lessons
Author: Melinda Kitty melindakitty
Characters: Ninth Doctor, Captain Jack Harkness, Rose Tyler;
Rated: Adult for slash, bisexuality, mature content, language, violence, the best bubble-bath in relative dimensions, and lots and lots of sex (multiple pairings/groupings)
Disclaimer: I don't own 'em, 'cause if I did there would have been no parting of the ways, Rose would be happy and walking funny, and a love of tech isn't the only thing Nine and Jack would be sharing.
Spoilers: AU. If you haven't seen the first three series of Doctor Who, you may be spoilered. I like to mess with canon.
Summary: By popular request: OT3 Nine/Jack/Rose. One of Jack's exes is out for a bit of revenge. Can the Doctor and Rose figure a way to rescue him before he has to pay the piper? Watch for fancy footwork, a bit of intrigue, occasional plot, and a large excuse for love and smut.

Synchronized Swim: Okay, I freely admit that this one is just silly. I really couldn’t think of any dance performed exclusively in the water and “water sports” means something very different to some people. We’re going to play with water, sex, and the thrill of the hunt in this one.

(Jack stumbles again. Rose knows how to help Jack get his old rhythm back. She leads.)

CHAPTER 28: Synchronized Swim
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