(no subject)

Nov 03, 2005 09:57

Want to know what my biggest fear is with this whole Josh dealio? When Josh comes home and of course we know what will happen...how am I going to watch him get back onto that plane and go back to Israel? I can't deal with that again...it's not fair.

Five years...we've made it five entire years...and finally when we're both ready, I chicken out..yet again, because I don't want him to leave me again.

Maybe i'll move to Israel this summer.

I wish.

Whatever, you can bet your ass that this Holiday break will be amazing. I love you. I don't plan on spending any time with anyone else but you...and maybe Dj..lol. Just kidding, of course Dj.

*Heather and Ashley, i'll sneak yall into my schedule too..hahahahahahhaha*

Oh how busy i'll be during break. Work work work...2 days off a week...josh josh josh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..dj dj dj..ashley ashley ashley heather heather heater. That's alll i'll be doing.
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