I'd like to introduce my first ever betta, Jude!
As of Saturday I will have had him a whole three weeks. Right now he lives alone in a ten gallon tank, but when I either can afford quick-start or the tank cycles on it's own I'll add in some smaller fish like neon tetras.
He loves people, and gets so happy when I spend time admiring him- even if he looks like a Grumpy Gus all the time. :3
I love that he has little flecks of metallic blue, it's more visible in person but you can sort of see it here.
Also, Jude has a (mild?) case of fin rot that I suspect was started by a tear he sustained (You can see the damaged area and black tips in the second photo). It hasn't really progressed, but it also hasn't started healing. I do 10% water changes about twice a week, and am currently adding aquarium salt to his tank. Is there anything else I can do without buying medicine? I really don't have the money right now, and would also hate to have to keep him cooped up in his tiny cup until he heals.