Sep 21, 2011 15:49
Dear Fox and Hulu, not releasing Glee for 10 days is bullshit.
Dear Facebook, just when I was starting to like you again because of The Sims you screw up my news feed. Thank you for helping me see the further greatness of Tumblr and Twitter. Now if only I could find a cool looking picture uploader. Perhaps Shutterfly...
Dear Apple, I am really getting tired of you auto correcting my crap based on my location. Stop changing all my words to French! And stop not telling me you're changing it until it posts.
Dear Swiss lady with bad furniture, we didn't like your apartment anyway. You know, that's called discrimination in the USA.
Dear Switzerland, I need a place to live that is not an over priced studio for a year.
Dear Castle, I love you. Holy sh*t that episode. Please PUT IT ON ITUNES ALREADY GD!
Dear Michael Dorn, I used to blame the headpiece for your only having two facial expressions. Apparently I misjudged you.
Dear Friends, I'm lonely and miss a lot of you. Please talk to me. And post pictures.
Dear Friends, sometimes the internet lies and says I'm online when I'm not. Please don't get offended if I don't write you back immediately. I'm probably asleep.
Dear Friends, It's fracking cold here! You should come visit us.
Dear University, I don't miss you. I'm glad I'm done with you. Though sometimes I really want to get a PhD.
Dear Society, please have more people of color in lead roles on TV and in books.
Dear GoP, you suck. You're bigoted hate mongers that proliferate fear and garner votes by manipulating one sentence out of a work, or just straight out lying.
Dear Ronald Reagan, thanks for making what was once a good party now the party of the crazy, overzealous Christians and older people that live in fear of youth and change.
Dear Christians, not all Christians, you know the ones I'm talking about, like Preacher Bob, Gandhi doesn't like you, but he likes Jesus because he was accepting, forgiving, and fun at parties. Could you please at least try to be a little nicer to people?
Dear Publishers, you're not gonna keep me down. I may have gotten hundreds of nos, but all I need is one yes. And it's coming.
Dear George R.R. Martin, I hate you. I want to punch you in your damn face.
Dear The Night Circus, HOLY CRAP I LOVE YOU! You have now moved to my NUMBER ONE BOOK RECOMMENDATION EVAR!
Dear People that Nominated my stories for awards that I won, I LOVE YOU!
Dear People that write nice and not awkward things about my stories, I love you, V. Much!
Dear Darren Criss, my love for you is boundless. I keep watching that scene in Original Song over and over and over and over. Swoon.
Dear Robert Downey Jr. and Jude Law, I love you. Please keep being awesome. Counting down until Sherlock 2.
Dear Megan Fox, you are stupid and rude. Please shut your plastic surgeried tramp mouth.
Dear Rachel McAdams, Please be a character like Regina George again. You were such a FIERCE bad ass.
Dear Scarlett Johansson, You have kept your boobies hidden from the world for far too long, and sadly, they're under whelming. Please get over your tiny little nipples.
Dear Vanessa Hudgens, I am so glad you left the Zefron and became a whore. Your pictures are delicious, if a bit awkward since I saw you singing around Disney when you were like 12.
Dear Pottermore, I'm in Ravenclaw. You are boring though. Please get more interesting content.
Dear Star Wars The Old Republic, You are a Lie E. Liar and I hate you! What happened to beta weekends every weekend of September? You did one beta weekend. If you push back to March I swear I will send my flying monkeys to Austin poop on all of your cars.