Just So You Know I'm Feeling Better

May 23, 2007 09:13

I've got a morning meme for your enjoyment! Stole it from someone over on mySpace. I forget who at this point.

1) Are you in a complicated “love” situation?

2) Do you hate more than 3 people?
I don't think I hate anyone...

3) Even been stuck in a tree?
Not since I was a kid.

4) How many houses have you lived in?
Counting dorm rooms, I think it's 14...

5) Favorite candy bar?

6) Have you ever tripped someone?
Not on purpose.

7) Least favorite school subject:
Health. *snore*

8) How many pairs of shoes do you own?
Including sport-specific ones like rock climbing shoes? Maybe 14?

9) Do you own a Brittany Spears CD?

10) Have you ever thrown up in public?
Not that I recall.

11) Name one thing that’s always on your mind:
There's a whole list that rotates.

12) Favorite genre of music?
Rock, I guess.

13) What’s your zodiac sign?

14) What time were you born?
Morning, I think.

15) Do you like beer?
Not at all.

16) Have you made a prank phone call this week?

17) What is the most embarrassing CD you own?
I have too many to recall... Gloria Estefan, perhaps?

18) Are you sarcastic?
Me? Never.

19) What are your favorite color(s)?
Blue and green.

20) How many watches do you own?

21) Summer or winter?
I like the cycle of seasons.

22) Is anyone in love with you?
I certainly hope so. :)

23) Favorite color to wear?
I'm becoming less picky... but my default is blue.

24) Pepsi or Sprite?

25) Dr. Pepper or Mountian Dew?
Dr. Pepper

26) Where is your second home?
Erm... don't really have one at the moment.

27) Have you ever slapped someone?
No, but I've wanted to.

28) Ever wonder if truckers drive naked?
What?? No.

29) How many lamps are in your bedroom?

30) How many video games do you own?
I don't know... 20? 25? It's joint ownership, so I don't really pay that much attention.

31) First pet you owned?
Henry the Hampster.

32) Ever had braces?

33) Do looks matter when you’re on TV?

34) Do you use chapstick?

35) Do you know people whom you wish would use chapstick?
Ummm...not that I'm aware of.

36) American Eagle or Abercrombie?

37) Are you too forgiving?
I don't think so. Maybe.

38) How many children do you want?

39) Do you own something from Hot Topic?

40) Favorite breakfast meal?
Probably eggs benedict. I usually have a bagel with cream cheese.

41) Do you own a gun?

42) Ever thought you were in love?
More than once.

43) When was the last time you cried?
I don't recall.

44) What did you do last night?
Went to a reading and signing at the Tattered Cover.

45) Olive Garden?

46) Have you ever called your teacher mommy?

47) Have you ever been in a castle?
Yes, several.

48) Do you know who Frank Castle is?

49) Did that last one go right over your head?

50) Ever been to Kentucky?
Many times. That's sort of a random question...

51) What do you see out the window to your left?
There is no window to my left.

52) Are you thinking about somebody right now?

53) Ever called somebody Boo?
Dear Lord, no.

54) Do you smoke crack?
That would be a negative.

55) Do you own a diamond ring?

56.)Are you happy with your life?

57) Do you like your hair?
It's frustrating at this length, but I have to deal with it if I'm growing it out.

58) Does anyone like you for your money?
Of course. It's the only reason Matt married me. ;) Haha.

59) What were you doing in May of 1994?
Finishing 6th grade.

60) McDonald's or Wendy’s?
Burger King. Fine, Wendy's.

63) Do you like the shoes you have on right now?
I don't have shoes on right now.

64) Are you closer to your mother or father?
Depends on the conversation. I'm close to both of them.

65) Favorite physical features of your car?
Ummm... what the heck is this about? It has a sun-roof, is that good enough?

66) Are you afraid of the dark?

67) Have you ever eaten paste?
As in glue? Ew, no.

68) Do you own a web cam?
Sure, my laptop came with one.

69) Have you ever stripped?
As if I'd tell you, if I had.

70) Ever broken a bone?
Oddly enough, no.

71) Are you religious about TV?

72) Do you chat on AIM often?

73) Pringles or Lays?

74) Have you ever broken something that belonged to someone else?

75) Full house or Brady Bunch?
Full House

76) Addam's Family or The Munsters?

77) Did you like your high school guidance counselor?
Sure, until she started putting up road blocks for me getting out early.

78) Has anyone ever called you a tease?
Not that I know of.

79) Do you have any pets?
Sort of. Our dog is living out her retirement on three acres with our in-laws back east.

80) Do you own a car?

81) Can you cook?

82) 3 things that annoy you?
1) People who say "expresso" instead of "espresso", like their latte is going to make them extra fast. Espresso is Italian for "pressed", because the grounds are pressed tightly and the water forced through them for a more potent brew. Know what you're paying $4 a cup for, people!
2) People who "aks" for something instead of asking. No, you can't aks me a question. Yarrr.
3) People who drive like idiots.

83) 3 things you like:
1) cake!
2) finishing a good book and liking it all the way to the end
3) going for walks with Matt

85) Do you have any scars?
A few.

86) What do you want more than anything right now?
The latkes Matt's making for breakfast....

87) Do you enjoy scary movies?
No. I avoid them.

88) Relationships or one night stands?

89) Big red or Juicy fruit?
Neither - interesting fact: artificial cinnamon flavoring makes my tongue peel as if it had a bad sunburn. Fun times!

90) Do you enjoy greasy food?

91) Have you seen all the Rocky movies?

92) Do you own a box of crayons?

93) Ever made out in public places?
I don't think so... hm.

94) Who was the last person that Texted you?
Jaime, about three weeks ago. Hm... I should probably call her.

95) Who’s your cell phone provider?
Cingular - hopefully soon to change.

96) What's your favorite perfume/cologne?
I don't usually wear any.

97) Ever witnessed an accident?
Does being in one count? If not, then no.

98) How many US states have you been to?
Oh dear. *googles for a US map* 34. 37 if you count airport layovers, which I don't. The ones I haven't been to: Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, Wisconsin, Minnesota, North Dakota, Nebraska, Utah, Nevada, Idaho, Montana, Washington, Oregon, and Alaska, but I'll be in Alaska in two weeks. Woohoo!

99) Have you ever eaten grits?
I have always been able to avoid them.

100) Was this bulletin worth your time?
Bulletin? Erm... well, sure. It's nice to wake up with a random quiz.

That's all, but more this afternoon, perhaps.


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