Jun 18, 2011 15:45
Summer school is almost over. One more week to go until I move back to Toronto for the rest of the summer. Honestly though, as boring as London can be in the summer, I'm having mixed feelings about it. Being in London, in a way, has been really great. I've had all the resources that school offers to me at my disposal (such as the gym, IT Center, Student Services etc), without having to worry about the regular school crowd. Also I've been able to basically do whatever I want. It's been easy to get my exercise in because I've been walking practically everywhere. I'm a little worried that once I get home, and everything is within a 10 minute walk from my house, that it'll become too hard to get my activity points in. My mom did get me a summer gym membership, but it's not the same. The gym is great, but it's not the same as getting activity in just to get to where you need to go, you know?
I guess I'll just have to do my best. It'll be nice to get back to Toronto, for sure. So much more goes on in Toronto in the summer about the city. And, since I don't have a job, I'll have lots of time to have some fun. I'm planning to catch up on my non-school reading, visit friends, go to the gym, and hopefully go on some adventures. I've gotten a lot of open ended cottage invites from friends. I don't know how serious these invites are, but if they're legit, I'm so down! I've never spent time at someone else's cottage, and I think it would be really fun.
I was watching Sleepless in Seattle this afternoon. It's such a great movie, and it made me think how much technology has changed romance. Today, Annie (Meg Ryan's character) could have just looked the guy up on facebook and sent him a message. There's really something to be said about doing things the old-school way.
Last night, after about two and a half weeks of procrastination, I FINALLY did my laundry. I ended up staying awake until after 4 am, it took so long. I still have more to do. I guess I'm the kind of person that just doesn't clean until it's absolutely necessary. You know it's been too long when you go through your laundry and you find clothes you forgot you had.
sleepless in seattle