Oct 11, 2006 23:35
After 6+ years in customer service, I have learned a lot about people and today's society. I have decided for fun and just things from someone who knows better then anyone how to act in ANY place whether a clothing store, restaurant(mainly that area), any place such as an ice cream shop or coffee place, really any place that involves customer service of tips on how to act that will make our job so much more enjoyable. Seriously these things will really make a difference.
~DO NOT USE YOUR CELL PHONE WHILE ORDERING, STANDING IN LINE, ETC. ITs just plain rude. Do I talk on my cell phone while you are trying to order something. The person can wait a whole 5 mins for you to call them back. ITs just rude and extremely inconsiderate. Not to mention, that really means you are not listening at all to what I am saying. Repeating things just suck. Plus figure out what they want BEFORE you enter. Write it down if you have too.
~The words Please and thank you NEVER EVER EVER EVER be used enough.
~Clean up your mess. Its that simple. Bring the plates to the counter, pile them neatly for someone to take away if you are in a restaurant. Throw out your garbage if there is a trash can. Spilled something help us clean it up and do something about it quickly.
~Be Patient. Items run out, be understanding. There is not a lot that can be done about it. Deal with it. It happens. That stuff can be out of anyone's control.
~I do not care how rich you are, still treat us with respect. Bruce Springstein treated me with more kindness and politeness then the average customer.
~Manners...use them. Pass them on to your children.
~Did I mention, do not talk on your cell phone and the words please and thank can never ever be used enough
~Have an attitude...leave it at the door. Just cause we can not get away with it does NOT MEAN YOU CAN!
~Treat people how you want to be treated.
~Cellphones=annoying annoying and annoying
~Put things back where you found them!
~The nicer you are to us, they nice we will be to you esp in Starbucks...free samples or maybe a free drink.
~Tips...tip us its nice, we work harder then you will ever know and have to deal with more bs and rudeness then you will in your lifetime well some people have an expecation
Those are my tips that can be used in everyday life. They are simple and easy and will seriously make life oh so much easier.