Bug bites notwithstanding, it's going pretty well...

Aug 14, 2008 01:44

I have so many bug bites on my arms, it's actually pretty interesting:

- On my left arm, I have two bites near midway between my shoulder and my elbow that form a perfectly equilateral triangle with my smallpox vaccination scar.

- On my left arm, I have not two or three but FOUR bites around my elbow. If I connect all of them, it actually forms a triangular prism.

So either bugs are attacking me in a geometrically specific pattern (with a predilection for traingles), or I'm really missing math (whaattt?!). Eh?


Also, this happened during the men's synchronized three-meter diving finals:

Betsy: *ogles all the divers' bodies*
Commentator: ....[regarding the performances]...J'aime beaucoup ce que je vois (I really like what I see)...
Betsy: DAMN RIGHT!!!

Olympics = hours and hours of fun in front of the television.


Still recuperating from Paris. Today I totally forgot that I was supposed to have a violin lesson. *headdesks ad nauseum* I've mortally offended my teacher this time, I'm afraid... *sigh*

My new desktop:

I love it! I actually used an integral pic that I took while in Paris. This adorable little amusement park can be found in the Jardins des Tuileries, right next to the Louvre and smack in the middle of the city. So lovely.

Note to self: Update food blog with Paris-related entries!!!

The Paris picspam is underway. *giggles gleefully*
Sneak peek, anyone? ;)

i-went-somewhere-and-was-all-touristy, paris la jolie, faaaaaaail, olympics: beijing 2008, i iz indisposed

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