I'm ba-aaack!

May 06, 2010 00:11

Two bus rides, several walks around downtown Toronto, a day-trip to Niagara and too many hot dogs later, I'm happy to say that I've safely and soundly arrived home from my mucho awesomissimo trip to wifey curry_chicken's abode.

I had a great and relaxing time, but now it's back to Montreal and the daily grind of running around doing a million things while preparing for the new job at the law firm. *hops around with fingers crossed* For tonight, I'm planning on crashing on my bed and sleeping, but come tomorrow, there are bags to unpack, emails to send, research to be done, credit card companies to negotiate with and just tons and tons of STUFF that needs to be dealt with (the summer program! the semester abroad! visa applications! plane tickets!)...

I'll try to post about the trip and catch up with comments and the f-list sometime this weekend.

*dozes off*

destination: t.o., i-went-somewhere-and-was-all-touristy, the wifely one

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