How chocolate should be the remedy for all ills

Aug 02, 2009 15:39

1) The weather continues to be laughable and deeply ironic. We had a PERFECT summer day yesterday (mostly sunny, breezy, mid-20C), but today? It's back to grey clouds and pouring skies. Apparently this July was the least sunny one that Montreal has had since...well, ever. (We were also pretty damn close to breaking the record for the most rain received in July, too.)

2) )The new job at Smartset is alright. It has its pros (employee rebate, working with people, downtown location) and its cons (I'm going to develop either an obsession or a phobia of folding clothes soon). But the biggest problem is the hours that they've given me. Or rather, the lack of them. I gave them 5 full days of availabilities and the shifts that they've given me amount to...wait for this...TWELVE hours this week and SEVEN AND A HALF hours the next. And I checked the schedue: we're 17 employees, and beside the management and the team leader, NOBODY has above 20 hours per week. There's a bunch of new hires such as myself, and none of us has more than 12 hours for the next seven days. I'm sorry, but at 9.50$/hour, anything under 20 hours per week is simply not enough to survive. Granted, I don't have to pay rent or groceries, but I do need to make enough for my tuition fees. And for that...7.5 hours per week does not suffice. AT ALL.

So point is, I don't think that I can stay at that job. And it's a shame, because I like the clothes and I don't mind the retail experience (though I do bitch about my feet hurting after every shift). Plus I hate having to quit so soon after being hired, especially since they went through the trouble of interviewing and training me. But 7.5 hours? *shakes head sadly*

To top it all off, I've been offered a steady 22-hour weekly job where the schedule doesn't change every fortnight. It's at the shoe store where winterbymorning is currently working, and where I had hoped to work at in the beginning of summer. Well, you can't always get what you want, but right now I'm looking at 22 hours per week starting on August 10th and all throughout the school year. I'm rather scared that I won't be able to pull off 6 classes, 18 credits, the spa job on Sundays PLUS 22 hours at Naturalizer (the shoe store) for the fall semester...but I'm kind of desperate. I have tuitions to pay for (and thank Paolo that they're under 3000$ per year), books to buy (which amount to almost 1000$ per year) and I'd like to have some pocket money for bus passes, food, clothes and traveling. Although, if I collapse on a weekend after the first week of school, I'll know that I'm over-doing it.

Pour faire histoire courte: I have until this Friday to quit Smartset, give Naturalizer my answer and hopefully start making a lot of money. *sigh* It's a sad and dire situation that I find myself in, and it's especially exasperating when many of my friends are working well-paid jobs where they make 15$ or even 22$(!) hourly. I believe that I have the skills and the experience...yet I'm still working 9.50$-10$/hour jobs. (For reference, the minimum wage in Quebec is now 9.00$/hour. So...yeah.)

UGH THIS IS FRUSTRATING. Not just the lack of a well-paid job, but the whole Smartset busines as well. UGGGGHHHHHHHH.

/rant-exposition of the month

3) On the bright side, I have lately renewed with my love of chocolate! It all start with my boss giving me a tablet of Côte d'Or Truffé Noir and getting me utterly addicted to it. I searched high and low in Montreal for more or it, but to no avail. (I only found out today that she brought it back with her from her last trip to France ;_;) So I went ahead and drowned my sorrows with a tablet of Lindt Dark Hazelnut. That is, until two days ago, the boyfriend and I went to Leonidas (a Belgian chocolate chain) and FOUND MY NOIR TRUFFÉ. They only had it in a little bar, not the whole tablet, but still. WHOHOO!!!

But then, even more amazingly, they had the Côte d'Or Praliné Blanc, which is part of their uber-fancy Spécialités series. And guys, let me tell you, that thing is THE MOST DELICIOUS CHOCOLATE CANDY EVER. The mix of sweet-yet-salty white chocolate with the taste of hazelnuts and the smell of pralines...oh my dear goodness. They are to die for! They also cost an arm and a leg (something like 6$ for a small tablet) and their calorie content is horrific, but they are sosososososo YUMMY. *licks lips* I'm already dreaming about purchasing a new tablet as we speak...

To sum it all up in one sentence: I need a better job in order to afford ridiculously delicious chocolate to cheer myself up because our weather is made of fail. :D

gluttony is a sin?, rant, on the job(s), the weather outside is frightful

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