I meant to spend this afternoon catching up on correspondance.
I've sent one email.
I've read a considerable amount of Ursula LeGuin's The Beginning Place (yesterday I read Robert Sawyer's Illegal Alien).
I went to the bank and went grocery shopping - it had to be in that order, as before the trip to the bank I had exactly $2.82 (Canadian - I also have $10 Australian and a bit of US). I had to count my money, as my wallet was full near-to-bursting with coins. Commonwealth of Australia, allow me to declare my love to you, for your intelligence and consideration in removing one cent coins from circulation.
I bought a kids' fantasy book in French to attempt to read (Celtina: La Terre des Promesses, par Corinne De Vailly - may very well be silly fantasy for silly ten-year-old girls, but I don't care). I managed to conduct most of the transaction at the bookstore in French, but then the lady said something totally weird, and I replied "Sorry, I don't know that word." Should've said something in French. She gave me a rather weird look, and offered me a bookmark. I said "merci" (I've learned to say merci the quebecois way - the 'e' is pronouced more 'a' (kind of [e]? But not.) then the way I remember saying it in high school), took it, and left.
I did my internet-stuff-checking rounds - three email accounts to check (Gmail, McGill, UQ), LJ Friendspage, Facebook. No comics to check, as I did that this morning. I went thorough the few new items in my RSS feeds, mostly from craft blogs and communities.
I had to watch a YouTube video again before I posted a link here. Because it's funny.
Bush Vs. Zombies.
I remembered and rediscovered
metaquotes (
this entry is awesomeness. ETA:
this one too).
I... um... that's about it. Apart from writing this post and trying to remember exactly what I've been doing this afternoon. I'm sure I skipped things.
Oh - today I've been in Canada for one month exactly.