(I was going to post about this earlier, but I forgot! See how sieve-y my mind has been lately?)
Queensland Spinners Weavers and Fibre Artists (formerly known as the Queensland Spinners Weavers and Dyers) will be having an Open Day tomorrow. If you have any time to spare from your only-one-week-of-classes-left-and-I-haven't-done-any-work-OMG panic, come and see! There will be things for sale, demonstrations, and a fashion parade of all sorts of lovely handmade things.
The details are:
Queensland Spinners Weavers and Fibre Artists Open Day
Sunday 28 May 2006
9:30am - 3pm
12 Payne St Auchenflower
It's a little old heritage church building on a corner near a few shops, you can't miss it.
I believe the fashion parade is at 11am. I will be one of the models. Alan may also be a model, depending on whether someone else can manage to rope their son/brother/husband into it.
The crafts our members are involved in vary widely, from knitting to bobbin lace to felting to basketmaking, and many, many more. This means that there are lots of pretty things to look at.
Yes, there is also food.
(I really will work on Linguistics now. Really.)