Jan 26, 2006 19:52
I'm watching Four Kings, I've never watched it before but it looks like it's going to be one of those horribly embarassing shows that is really hard to watch. But Michael DesBarr (if that's how you spell it)--AKA touring singer for Power Station, AKA Murdock from MacGyver--is in it. Oddly enough, he actually looks really good. He looks almost exactly the same as he did in the 80's but he has short white hair, which beats the mullet by a mile.
I went to the doctor this morning and she says I have "pregnancy induced hypertension". My blood pressure had been fine up until about 3 weeks ago. Apparently the lower number is high, I don't really know what that means but she said if it doesn't go down soon, she's going to induce. I think Mark and I are just going to go to the hospital on Saturday and tell them I'm having the symptoms she told me to watch out for and get it over with. Then we all win...Mark gets his baby that he's wetting his pants for, I get to not be pregnant anymore and my dad gets his grandson on his birthday (which he wanted...he was born on his grandfather's birthday)
So Mark's plan is to feed me as much salt as possible tomorrow to raise my blood pressure and then hit me in the head to give me a headache because he knows I won't lie about it.