(no subject)

Aug 27, 2006 17:38

Wednesday two weeks ago: Take Nodoz x2 and fall asleep at work.

Running pattern: Coffee x 5 at work, soda x 2.. cannot get work done. Come home. Go to sleep. Depressed. Violent. Moodswings. Angry. Have no clue why anti-depressants aren't working.

Tues/Wednesday last week. Sleep lab. No caffeine. headache. drank water instead. Miserable.

Thursday. No caffeine. Awake when time to get up. Focused. Work done in two hours. Next days' work done by end of day.

Friday: Minimal caffeine. little trouble getting up. Half small cup of coffee. Same deal. work done ASAP, Monday's done.

Saturday: No caffeine. Realize.. not taking anti-depressants last few days. Realize.. minimal mood swings. Been able to stay up last few days until 11 pm and get up at 6 without problem. No headaches, really. House gets all clean aside from extra laundry.

Sunday: cup of coffee from 7-11. 40 minutes later, Sleepy as hell. Fall to sleep. Wake up two hours later. PISSED for no reason. Throwing stuff because I have to walk 10 ft to the laundry room to get my laundry. Pissed because my DVD has a small pause time between scenes. Happy, sad, happy, sad, happy, sad. Can't focus. Anxiety. No interest in anything. Sleepy and pissed until about an hour ago.

Now: randomly looks up signs of caffeine allergy on internet:

- mood swings
- mimics bi-polar disorder
- anxiety
- paranoia
- unable to tolerate stress of any kind
- no sleep, sleeps without feeling rested
- nightmares
- schizophrenia
- impulsiveness
- violence
- impulse to SPEND MONEY
- need for sleep, drowsiness
- headaches, migraines
- mimics ADD
- no concentration
- no interests
- the more caffeine you consume, the more likely you are to build up an allergy at some point.

Pinky, are you thinking what I'm thinking?

Yeah.. I wish they made caffeine-free chocolate that wasn't white.
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