Fic: [NR] Mix of Dark Minors and Sunny Majors (Chapter 13/14)

Sep 28, 2011 17:55

Mix of Dark Minors and Sunny Majors
Word Count: Chapter 13: 3,344; [48,282 total]
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Nico/Dani-Possibly. Eventually?
Spoilers: References something from 1x07 and 1x11.
Disclaimer: don't own. Don't profit. Don't … a lot of things
Summary: She'd be willing to bet the Nico of reality was somewhere between her good guy and his evil one but he wasn't ready to see that just yet. "Nico, I work on feelings and intuition. Of course I see the potential. You work in cold facts and realities that aren't pretty so you see the bad. In order for music to be beautiful, there has to be a mix of sunny majors with the dark, harsh minors."
Author's Note: So, you can blame or credit, jeer or cheer brokenroots & goodisrelative for this 92-page (20+ chapter) fic. Brokenroots started me thinking about NR fic (go read hers, it's better) and then they both beat me up to get more. Please note, this fic is done. finished. fin. over. ended. ... that doesn't mean there is not a sequel. at least a "Sunday Supper at Mama Coluni's"

Okay, so there is only really 14 chapters because I did super long chapters (at least 7 or more pages per chapter averaging 3,500 words per chapter). Crazy, I know! :-)


"You realize why it hurts so much and why you keep going back for more, don't you, honey?" Jeanette asked the next morning as they waited for Juliette to finish her shower and dress.

Dani blinked and looked over at her best friend. "What are you talking about, Jeanette?"

"The reason why those red tulip petals are pressed in that cookbook you never use." Jeanette answered. "You love him. It's the only reason a woman would willing put herself as the emotional punching bag."

Dani shook her head. "He's a friend, a good friend. That's all. It's way too soon. Besides, the divorce was just signed two days ago. We can barely tolerate each other for more than eight minutes at a time."

Jeanette chuckled. "Doesn't change a thing, Dani. You are in love with him."

Dan shook her head. "I can't think on this. We're in the Super Bowl a week from this Sunday and TK is flipping out. Juliette and I are talking with Nico on Monday. I can't handle this right now."

Jeanette sighed. "Fine, but you are going to have to deal with it soon."


TK looked around Dani's fixed up office and was a bit disappointed in the lack of flowers-not that he would tell the guys that! "Doctor D, I like the new colors."

Dani smiled. Since she had the opportunity to redecorate, she made some minor changes to the office. Choosing a warmer orange for the walls, darker browns for the couch and chairs-though there were still flowers on her chairs, she wasn't going to go crazy with change. "I thought since I had the opportunity, I would make some changes for my male patients."

TK chuckled. "I wouldn't want to see all of your flowers go away, Doctor D. Can't have you changing too much." He settled into his favorite location: on the floor with his back leaning against the couch, legs outstretched. "You were right, I needed to talk with V." And he told her about their last few nights. Even the day they spent just sitting wrapped in blankets on the beach talking about their pasts.

Dani smiled. He was learning and she couldn't be prouder of him. "TK, I'm glad you are doing so well together, that you are seeing this is as a give-and-take relationship with Vivica."

TK nodded. "She's good for me, Doc. It's like she grounds me, ya know?"

Dani chuckled. "I'm glad someone can, Terrence."

TK sighed as he heard the hollowness in her laugh. "I wish Nico would get to fixing you like I asked him to."

Dani's head snapped back to him. "You what?"

TK grinned. "I asked Nico to find out what was bringin' ya down and fix it. I've been good the last week, figured I'd give him time to figure out what you needed fixed but it just seems like it has gotten worse. Though, I guess the dude has a lot on his mind. He hasn't looked too good either. Snappin' at players when he would normally stare them down."

Dani blinked. How was she supposed to walk through this mindfield? She sighed. "Terrence, Nico can't just fix what is bothering me. It doesn't work like that. You know how difficult it is to overcome something that is bothering you. It takes time and patience and a willingness to work on something."

"But, Doctor D, you's family and I don't like seein' ya breaking." TK stated softly.

"Oh, Terrence," Dani whispered and tried to blink back the tears but failed. He stood quickly and picked her up in a giant TK hug-taking care to not bother her hand still in its cast. Dani held onto him and sniffled.

When she found her strength again, she stepped back, tilted her head back and gave him a smile. "That was exactly what I needed, Terrence."

TK grinned down at her. "Does this mean I can book ten minutes early?"

Dani laughed heartily. "Go on, TK. Enjoy the freedom." She watched him literally bounce out of her office and shook her head. He surprised her today. Dani turned to her back door and headed into her kitchen to run into Juliette.

"Dani, you can't keep taking the brunt of his anger. It will destroy you." The young woman stated softly as she sat munching on chips at the kitchen island.

Dani shrugged. "Better me than others, Juliette. But there is something we need to discuss: your parents."

Juliette jerked and immediately shook her head.

Dani reached over and grabbed her hand. "Dear, it's time we talked of them. You've been thriving here for almost three weeks now. You know I am not going to let anything-or anyone-shatter this stability and security. You've seen me stand up to Nico for you. I'm not going anywhere. Not even when you run away. I still find you. There is strength in the letting go, Jules, because sometimes holding on means hurting ourselves and others. And now you need to let go of the fear of your parents taking you away from me. It won't happen. First, you are legally an adult. Second, even if they fired me, TK and Booz would stay with me because they trust me because I will and have stood up to the Coach and your father for them."

Juliette listened to Dani's words, keeping her grip tight on her hand. It came to her suddenly, like the clarity of needing to change when she disappointed Nico the last time. "I like the nickname, Dani." She looked into the doctor's eyes and smiled. "I want the nickname. I want to stay here. I am getting stronger. I'm not bouncing off the walls like I usually do. I'm sticking to something rather than running away or calling others to take care of whatever I've done. I'll slip up, like when I ran last week, but I couldn't even walk in the club, Dani. I looked down at my outfit-the hooker outfit-and couldn't hear anything but you and Jeanette and your mom sighing in disappointment. It's been three weeks, Dani, and I haven't even thought about my old life except the time I ran. That has got to be an improvement."

Dani smiled. "It is a huge improvement, Jules. You want to change and you are making it happen. No one else is pushing you or yelling at you or taking digs at you to get you to change. You've always had the strength; it's just that it's so much easier to listen to the bad and let others make choices for you."

Juliette nodded: she was right, it had been easier. All she found in Dani's eyes were pride, compassion, and a tinge of sadness. "All right, how should we deal with my father? I am not dealing with my mother yet. She's toxic."

Dani chuckled. "You and I both agree on that. Taking them one at a time is fine. How do you want to deal with him?"

"I suppose he should know where I am and that I am improving. But he doesn't get to take credit for it. This is all you. You and Nico and your family."

Dani shook her head. "It is not, Jules, and you know that. We can take some credit for supporting you but ultimately, it is your choices that have put you exactly right here."

Juliette studied her new friend and nodded. "Can we meet him here? In your office? Can you call him?"

Dani smiled. "We'll meet him here in my office, but you and I will both call him. We'll call from my office line. We may need you to get passed his secretary."

Juliette laughed at that. "Dani, that's the sure way to get the call to go to the blackhole of holding."

Dani sighed. "True. Fine. I'll call. Should I mention you, Jules?"

Juliette shrugged. "Not really sure, Dani."

Dani moved into her office again and dialed the number Juliette had. She wouldn't let herself think about Nico's reaction when he learned of this. She blinked when she actually got Marshall Pittman on the phone. "Mr. Pittman, will you be in town this week? Juliette and I would like to meet with you." She listened for a moment. "Friday at 1 PM. That is fine. We would prefer if you met us here at my home office." She sighed. "Thank you, see you then, Mr. Pittman."

Jules took a deep breath. "Well, no backing out now."

Dani cupped her cheek and brought the young woman's eyes to hers. "Maybe he'll surprise you, Jules. Remember, he too is tossing Gabriella out of his life."

Juliette shrugged. "We'll see on Friday."


It was Thursday afternoon before Dani ran into Nico. Literally. She was rounded the corner, talking to Coach on the phone, and walking with one of Matt's assistant trainers. They had another all-team group session in an hour and the coach was letting her know it might have to start late. She wasn't looking forward and when they collided she bit back a scream as her broken hand was caught between them.

All Nico saw were the tears in her eyes as he reached out to keep her from falling. He made sure she was stead on her feet before he let her go. "I am sorry, Doctor Santino. I will keep a better eye on where I am going."

Dani sighed. "No real harm, Nico. I wasn't paying attention either." She reached out to touch his arm. There was something she needed to tell him. "Nico, I will be leaving the stadium tomorrow at noon. I have a 1 PM with an important client. If I'm needed for anything, I'll be at my home office."

Nico nodded. He hadn't realized she had any new clients but he had been keeping away from her lately. It was the only way he could stop himself from hurting her all the time. He got updates on the kids' security from Xeno which would be ending in a few days.

Dani's eyes trailed him for a second as he walked away. Forcing her eyes back on the trainer, she smiled and headed down the hall.

TK frowned. Doctor D's problem was Nico? And he had asked Nico to fix her? Aw shit! And it looked like Nico's problem was the good doc. Sighing, he headed back to practice. He'd think about all of this later.


Nico stared at the car in her driveway. He knew Mr. Pittman was in town. But why was he here at Dani's? Had he found out that Dani knew were Juliette was? No matter what, this could not be good.


Dani looked in on the father daughter pair and sighed. If Nico could see these two now, was the only thought that was running through her mind right then. There had been yelling, on Juliette's part, at first. There had been demands, on Mr. Pittman's part, but Dani had diffused that by standing up for Juliette and declaring ground rules for the discussion. After that first thirty minutes, the two had sat down and actually talked. Dani had left them alone, with the door open, for the last thirty minutes.

She sighed at the knock on the front door. "Nico? What is it?"

"Why is Mr. Pittman's car here? I thought you were having a client meeting."

Dani blinked. He was yelling at her. Not in loudness, just in tone, but it was still yelling. "No. You do not get to come into my home and start yelling about my clients. You do not get to demand what is going on. You want to go back outside and try this again? Because maybe if you talk with me, ask me, I might just talk with you and give you answers but I am done dealing with demands and accusations where Jules is concerned." Dani poked him in the chest and pushed him outside the front door. She closed it behind her.

Nico stared at her. "You cannot mean to go up against Marshall Pitman. He eats people like you for breakfast. Juliette needs more time to find herself. She needs to be-."

"Nico, you would keep my daughter away from me?"

The voice on the front walk startled both of them. Dani shifted over to her right to stare at Mr. Pittman and Juliette. Nico turned to face them both.

"Yes, sir, if it protected Juliette." Nico stated quietly.

Juliette stared at Nico. She moved her eyes to Dani and caught the apology and pain in the other woman's eyes. Then she settled back on Nico with a frown. "But I am strong enough right now, Nico. Dani has seen to that. I'm not saying I'm talking with Mom. That's too much right now."

Nico studied the younger woman and, for the first time, saw the new her. The clarity in her eyes. The straightness in her posture. There was none of the nervous ticks, none of the bouncing off the walls, and none of the cowering and lowered eyes. He blinked.

Mr. Pittman looked at his old friend and smiled. "I'm glad someone else will stand up for my daughter. Even it means firing or worse." He flicked his eyes over to Dani and tilted his head in acknowledgement. "Doctor Santino, a pleasure as always. Thank you for finding my daughter for me. The support you've shown her, to find her own way, to give her clarity, just proves how right Nico was to bring you into our organization. And it makes me shudder to think what my wife and I have done to bring about the demise of our daughter when all she needed was the two things we never gave: time and attention. Thank you." He turned to Juliette and caressed her cheek. "Honey, I'll stop back in a week. I'll talk with Doctor Santino about scheduling weekly visits if that is what you really want. This time, I'll make the effort too." His eyes cut over to Dani. "Can't have unscheduled appointments popping up anymore. Tends to disrupt the offices."

Dani grinned. "Have a good weekend, Mr. Pittman, and I'll work up a schedule and send it to your assistant."

Mr. Pittman nodded and headed over to his car. It left Juliette, Nico, and Dani looking at each other, not talking.

Dani sighed. "Nico, was there something you needed me for? Something with TK? Or another of the Hawks?"

Nico blinked and shook his head. "No. It was about the man who attacked Juliette." He watched Dani moved to Juliette's side and take her hand. He sighed. "Maybe we should head inside and sit down for this?"

Dani sighed and lead them all into the house and over to the living room. She sat on the couch and pulled Juliette down next to her. "Jules, it will be okay. We'll deal with things as they come up. I should also tell you two about what was found at the rehab center."

Nico nodded. "The man will be charged with assault and battery, attempted murder, and possession of narcotics. These will be his third felony. He will be going away for a long time."

"The rehab center was closed the end of last week. The patients have been moved to other facilities and they will be repaying their current patients at least some of the money they have spent. At least two of the orderlies have drug offenses pending." Dani sighed. She hated it when her profession used itself to gain money and not help patients. "Jules, the head doctor has been suspended and an investigation is on-going into his practice. He will lose his license and never be allowed to practice again."

Nico blinked at the nickname. Did Juliette remember he used to call her than when she had been little?

Juliette nodded. She looked over at Nico. "You used to call me that when I was little. I thought it sounded familiar." She whispered.

Dani looked from the man to the young woman, surprised. She sighed. Maybe it was time to inform Nico where Juliette was living now instead of Monday. A few days would make no difference, really. "Jules, why don't you talk with Nico today? A few days now are irrelevant."

Juliette blinked and looked over at Dani. "I'm not sure I'm ready." She admitted.

Dani smiled. "It's your decision, Jules. I'll be here regardless." She glanced at the clock on the wall and sighed. "You have therapy in thirty minutes. Go get ready. You can take the car. Call me when you get there and when you leave, all right?"

Juliette froze as she got up. "You are letting me go alone?"

Dani smiled. "Small steps, dear. You've made a lot of progress; it's time to reward that."

Nico watched the interaction between the two and frowned. If he was honest, Dani was that way with everyone: she trusted them and supported them.

When the girl was out of earshot, Dani turned on him, her eyes cold. "Don't you ever check up on me like that again, Nico."

Nico blinked. Where had this come from? But, he realized, her anger had just been simmering under the surface, waiting for a moment when they were alone. "I did not plan to come out here, but I thought it necessary to inform Juliette as soon as possible. As you are the only person who knows where she is living, I had no choice but to come here."

Dani held his eyes. "Bullshit, Nico. You could have called or you could have come this morning when you got the news."

Nico blinked. "How did you know I got the news this morning?"

"Because Frank heard from his police buddy and told me this morning. He mentioned that he had already talked with you." Dani stood and moved to the front door. "Now I know the real reason you shouldn't lie, Nico. You are no good at it."

Nico's eyes narrowed. "I have not lied to you. I may use misdirection and omission, but I have never lied to you."

Dani shook her head. "Yes, you have. Twice. Tuesday Nights: you never called this past Tuesday. And the other one you'll have to figure out on your own." She opened the door. "Have a good day, Nico."

Nico looked at the anger in her eyes and nodded. "You need to stop looking for the good, Dani. I'm not a good guy. I'm the one people are afraid of. I haunt the shadows for reasons."

Dani shook her head. "I'll never be afraid of you, Nico. Angry, furious, grateful, and amazed but never afraid." She closed the door softly once he was outside. She really didn't want to hear his comment on her last words.

Juliette watched her lean her head against the door and breathe a sigh of relief. "Why do you let him hurt you like that, Dani? You love him and he just beats you up."

Dani's head jerked up. "I am not-." She stopped the words and swore. "I hate it when she is right." She shook her head and refocused on Juliette. "Jules, sometimes love is hell. Love needs to be tested in the hottest flames. Just like gold, it needs the heat to purge impurities from it to make it stronger, more beautiful. Nico doesn't even realize that I truly care about him as a friend." She laughed but there was no humor in it. "He'll disappear if he realizes I love him."

Juliette shook her head. "You need to give him a little credit. I don't think he'll run. Hide, yes; run, no."

Dani studied her for a moment before she smiled. "Get out of here, Jules, before you are late for your therapy appointment." She stopped the woman at the door to give her a hug. "I really am proud of you for how you did with your father, Jules." She whispered then let her go.

Chapter 12

dani santino, nico careles, pg-13, necessary roughness, fan fic

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