the last

Aug 15, 2004 21:33

Yes, this is my last weekend day of summer. Church was cool today, i had to go to the first service to be with Joshy Baker before he left for Liberty U and then he said goodbye, and then he came bak again during Sunday School, so i couldve seen him even if i hadnt switched, but o well. The guest speaker was... pretty good. Not super dee dooper, but he made some good points. He was pretty funny too, so i wouldnt mind hearin him again, but next week is a cool guy thats been to liberty before so i know he'll be good. Went over to jordans right after church, and it was raining, and it rained, all day, so we played halo, all day. It was fun tho. Maybe getting alittle outside exercise woulda been good, but theres always soccer practice to look forward to tomorrow. Mission trip people comin home tonite, and it sounds liek they had a superterrific time, so thats cool. Cant wait to hear it all. Since my day consisted of couch potatoing pretty much, thats all i have to say. Thanks for listening, you've been a great audience.
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