---System Message---
06:00 December 4rd
Re: None
01000001 01110101 01110100 01101000 01101111 01110010 00111010 00100000 01000010 00101110 01001101
General statistics:
Contact information updated for:
+Gavin, Kristoph
-Dinkley, Velma Dace
-Yamamoto, Takeshi
...That seems oddly disproportionate. :(
Weather: It's still raining! At least you can go outside now.
Everyone seems quiet and sad. Or is that just me?
News of Interest: Mistletoe Report!:
No new mistletoe today. Does that make you happy, or sad?
Thought of the Day:
"We must embrace pain and burn it as fuel for our journey." -Kenji Miyazawa
--End of Content--
Reply: Yes / No?
((Okay, guys, the map isn't gonna be updated for awhile, because Isao is on hiatus, but I'll try and do something so you know where the mistletoe actually is.
This will beep, and continue to beep, until your character decides to open it. This post is IC, and you are welcome to reply IC with a "contribution."
Feel free to comment here, talk about it in your posts, in your own comments, whatever. Just have fun with it. Also, you're welcome to ask for information from your own world. I'll do my best to find something interesting, though canons I'm familiar with will be much easier to do this with.
Questions? I've always got answers.))