---System Message---
06:00 November 27th
Re: Exploring
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Oh no I've been so remiss! I'm sure you've noticed by now, but, contact information updated for:
+ al'Meara, Nynaeve
+ Belle
+ Crescend, Daryan
+ Gavin, Klavier
+ Kariya, Koki
+ Konishi, Mitsuki
+ Kuchiki, Byakuya
+ Sora
+ Yamamoto, Takeshi
General statistics for the week:
Weather: The storms are letting up, and it would seem to be a little fog in the mornings but otherwise the days are looking very quaint, and the leaves are falling off the trees. Oh the fall - I love the fall, don't you?
Sports: Did you know the 1919 World Series was fixed? :(
-Did you know Uzuki finally found a friend?
-Or that Kanda and Allen are having a large, complicated drama?
-Klavier was punched in the face by an ex-boyfriend!
News of Interest:
None. Have a good day! :)
--End of Content--
Reply: Yes / No?
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Feel free to comment here, talk about it in your posts, in your own comments, whatever. Just have fun with it. Also, you're welcome to ask for information from your own world. I'll do my best to find something interesting, though canons I'm familiar with will be much easier to do this with.
Questions? I've always got answers.))