Community Input Time.

Mar 03, 2009 21:17

Settlers, Pilgrims, and Injuns,

There have been several questions regarding character death. In my mind it has always been that they appear alright, and alive, but the price is their memories. Why? Because unless an NPC tells you, you won't know (Yes, there is a reason why the System-Manager Man knows everything but that's a se~cr~et) Also because it aims for the most brain-breakage (yes I'm and evil plotter, I apologize.)

As this was our first haunt together, I really wasn't sure how everything would work and I intend to do a major update to the PAQ and Haunt explanations as soon as the Haunt is over (read as: when life gives me some time), and I have to say, I wouldn't have wanted to do it with any other group of people. The way it's been executed has been flawless, and I must give lots of thanks to Erica, our Vaan-mun, for all the plotting she's come up with. It's really lovely to be able to have such a strong example for haunts to come, no? And you all have put up with me and all of my weirdness and stumbling, along the way.

That said, I'd love your input on the dying thing. Should we keep as is (Tangible, but has to drop any items/omens they've found while at the house, can't explore, no memory, but looks the same) or change around the looking the same part? I'm afraid we can't bend the dropping stuff or the no memory because that's part of the way it has to work, but the tangibility/visibility/bodily damage stuff is certainly up to reconsideration. I want to be a guiding force for you guys, not a overbearing one.

Also, on a sadder note, Ned has dropped, so please go to your admin console and,

friend remove fairytaleslost.

He will be missed, but as for the rest of us, lets continue to move forward.


P.S. - Have I told lately that I love you guys?

mod tldr

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