The Panic Room
"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." -- Franklin D. Roosevelt
Fear. Before you even push the door all the way open, a wave of fear goes through you. There is something horribly wrong with this room. Those of a weaker constitution will find themselves unable to even enter the room. Those that do will have the distinct sensation that something, or someone is watching them. They will see things from the corners of their eyes, shadows will almost seem to move when not looked at directly, and a low almost imperceptible murmur will come from all corners of the room. The temperature in the room is noticeably lower than that of the surrounding rooms and though there is no visible source of light in the room, it is possible to see. Those will extra-sensory abilities will sense something in the room, but they won't quite be able to tell what it is.
Why would you even want to go in there? Because there's a book, on a pedestal, in the very center of the room. To enter the room, and therefore get to the book, characters must accomplish a Sanity roll of 6 or higher.
The Panic Room is on the second floor, north of the Nature Room. It has four doors and is semi-lit by an unknown source. It was found by Pakistan on February 25th in the Early Morning. Pakistan also triggered an Event.
Zombie Apocalypse
"They're coming to get you, Vaan Barbara!" -- Night of the Living Dead
A low screeching moan echoes through the house. Congratulations, there are now three zombies in the House. Zombies have the following stats:
Speed: 1
Might: 8
Sanity: 1
Knowledge: 1
Characters will want to find and defeat the zombies quickly, because while these are the slow-type zombies, they carry Zombie Fever, capable of turning anyone they infect into zombies as well. Symptoms include a raging fever and hallucinations. Zombification takes place over the course of 2 RL days. Characters that turn into zombies will receive the above zombie stats. The following is a sample zombification timeline.
Early Morning (Day 0): Infection/Fever
Morning (Day 1): Hallucinations
Day (Day 2): Full Zombie
But how are we going to beat a zombie with a Might stat of 8?
For this event, the option of Team Attacks is available. Up to three characters may attack a single zombie at once. Their might stats will combine and be put against the zombie’s might stats. An attack on a zombie might look like the following:
Zombie (8): 2 + 0 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 2 + 2 = 10
Hope (6): 2 + 1 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 1 = 5
Germany (5): 1 + 2 + 2 + 0 + 2 = 7
10 - 12 = -2, Zombie takes 2 damage, subtracts it from Might
But what if we take damage despite teaming up?
Then the total damage dealt is divided between the team members and rounded up to the nearest whole number. Let's say Hope and Germany instead took a total damage of 3. That results in 1.5 damage to each of them, and would be rounded up to an actual damage of 2 for each of them.
Also, there are weapons cashes around the house. Look around and you might find something useful to use on the zombies. Some are just regular mundane weapons, but some are more specialized to fighting zombies and will pack a bigger punch. Characters can only carry up one of these weapons at a time however, so if they find a second one, they must either keep only the first weapons or only the second. At the end of the Event, some of the weapons can be added permanently to character Might stats.
But I don’t want to fight zombies!
Never fear, the Rooming Hall is a ‘Safe Room’ and no zombies will enter it.
There is another option however. Remember that book in the middle of the Panic Room? Its title is The Zombie Survival Guide. Sounds awful useful, huh? But remember, just entering the room requires a Sanity roll of 6 or higher. The book is kind of tricky to read however, and will require a Knowledge roll of 6 or higher before its secrets can be understood.
Okay, I think I understand all of this TL;DR. How exactly is this going to work?
Kind of like a Haunt. Consider this a crash course in how a Haunt goes. Unlike Haunts however, Exploration will continue at the current rate. Also unlike Haunts, Exploration sign-ups will be done in the Event Exploration posts (this one being the first). Use the following form and comment to this post.
Character Name:Character Journal:→
Speed: →
Might: →
Sanity: →
Knowledge: Where did your turn end last time? Suggested Path: Are you carrying a weapon? Pakistan and anyone else who can get to the Panic Room in one move, also comment if you would like to try for the Sanity and/or Knowledge rolls for the Panic Room and The Zombie Survival Guide.
Mod Note: Betrayed! has been open for a few months now, and we will be having our first Activity Check on November 6th. Remember, activity requirements are one post per two months! Failing an AC results in removal.