That I've been waiting since birth to find a love that would look and sound like a movie

Jun 10, 2008 21:39

last night i had a dream that i was driving with someone who i don't talk to anymore. we went to gamestop and all that jazz then next thing i know we were driving into new york city. i was freaking out, insisting that i moved to new york city, not long island, not queens or the hamptons, i had to live in manhattan. as we were driving we were going around corners and ramps of the freeway and kept freaking out for some reason that i was going to die if i didn't move into the city.. next thing i know she was driving way to fast and wow.. the car flips and i die. weird.

on the other hand, i woke up last night due to thunder scaring the shit out of me. i woke up to unplug my laptop, turn the tv off so it doesn't get fried. let mango in so he wasn't scared and then just sat on the porch and watched the storm. i thought of my dad since we always sat on the porch to watch storms. after i realized how late it was, i crawled into bed with amber and quickly went back to sleep. i slept good knowing that my kitty was in the house and my computer and tv wasn't going to get damaged from a surge of electricity.

i found out that i can't transfer to hulk until august.
my abilities of being an awesome person.. and a damn good attractions attendant.. are being used.
doesn't thrill me at all.
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