I need to speak to America.
Or someone who knows him very well.
C'è un terribile mostro là fuori proprio ora, tenendo sulle facce delle sue vittime inermi. So che non c'è bisogno di cautela di praticare la discrezione e il sospetto, ma io vi ricorderà ora comunque. Più del solito.
[It is clear he is talking to someone specifically though the message is not locked and he is very well aware others here speak his language. He does not seem to care; it's only a repeat of most current warnings anyway. The rest sounds more like what one might write in a personal journal entry such as noted current events and self reminders.]
Le forniture sono in esecuzione terribilmente bassa. Dove sono stati trovati una volta appaiono meno. È evidente adesso sono state essere sostituito da un normale base dall'esterno. Gli scienziati. Ho avuto chiesti perchè in più di due anni le varie specialità oggetti non aveva eseguito da ora. Nessuno qui può riprodurre loro; non con il poco significa che abbiamo a disposizione con cui lavorare. Anche se mi aveva sentito la solita motivi per molti una cosa qui ora c'è uno che mi hanno concluso con il mio sensi. Non ha molto senso perché gli scienziati interrompere questa ora.
Forse l'inverno è la ragione. Potrebbero essere i loro metodi inusuali smorzato a causa della neve? Non è certo aiutando con i nostri plights propria. Fa freddo e difficile trovare calore anche all'interno degli edifici. Essi sono in cattivo stato orribile. Un sacco di esposizione a correnti d'aria. E nessun luogo sicuro per accendere un fuoco. Né un mezzo sicuro per raccogliere legna per il fuoco. Perché non è possibile parlare i mostri letargo per l'inverno, come le creature normali? Di che, mi dovrebbe chiedere Sephiroth su quel gruppo di caccia. I dovrebbe aiutare di più con la fornitura per gli altri e non solo me e la mia...famiglia. Minato hai--
Minato, have you found a crossbow or some means to have one made yet? I would like to go with your group soon. Before the snow is even less traversable.
[A pause and then added as an afterthought:] Does anyone have a scacchi set?
[[ooc note: Omg, I am so sorry for the length of this and my tl;dr explanation is likely to turn into another teal deer. But basically I'm kinda tired of having Giovanni here and not doing anything with him. Or more to the point: not helping out when he most certainly would. He's a very justice driven guy. ANYWAY the point is he's thinking of taking over for America if he doesn't get an explanation soon. Or maybe he'll just move to Gohl, idk. (I realize its not America's fault he's not around at the moment but icly that's unknown for the moment.)
Also per promise Giovanni will be hanging out at the greenhouse a lot during this youma plot and commentlogs are more than welcome. I heard its on a rooftop? He might be on a nearby rooftop more often than not to keep a watch but inside or around on the same roof is likely at times, too. He'll be watching Yorda like a hawk eagle until further notice. That was his promise to Prydain.
...oh my dear Lord I need to shut up now b-but please take notice! I-I just want to help be...helpful and stuff!]]
[[There is a terrible monster out there right now taking on the faces of its hapless victims. I know I do not need to caution you to practice discretion and suspicion, but I will remind you now anyway. More than usual.
The supplies are running horribly low. Where they were once found they appear less. It is apparent now they have been being replaced on a usual basis by outside means. The scientists. I had wondered why in more than two years the various specialty items had not run out by now. None here can reproduce them; not with what little means we have available to work with. Though I had heard the usual reasons for many a thing here now there is one I have concluded with my own senses. It makes little sense why the scientists discontinue this one now.
Perhaps winter is the reason. Could their unusual methods be dampened due to the snow? It is certainly not helping with our own plights. It is cold and hard to find warmth even inside the buildings. They are in horrible disrepair. Lots of drafts. And no safe place to start a fire. Nor a safe means to gather wood for a fire. Why can't the monsters hibernate for the winter like normal creatures? Speaking of which, I should ask Sephiroth about that hunting group. I should help more with supplying for others rather than just myself and my...family. Minato have you--]]