13S052-02 - Observations

Jul 22, 2011 09:02

What purpose do these ports serve? It seems inefficient to run a mobile prison and continuously allow the inmate population the chance to escape by docking in uncharted environments. In my limited experience, these environments have been hazardous and frequently inmates are not allowed to bear arms. This is inexcusable negligence. Any and all insights into this matter are appreciated.

[Private to Rex]
I understand this ship has a research laboratory. Have you any access to it?

[Private to Buffy]
I'd like to know if it is possible to procure certain reports from my world. The library is lacking in engaging material.

who:}: vila restal, who:}: sherlock holmes, elementary dear sherlock, this isn't how you run a prison, fleet-fingered vila, this slayer interests me, rex is the better volescu, who:}: pavel antipov, political intrigue is my specialty, who:}: rex lewis, who:}: achilles de flandres

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