Well, depending on how far you care to take Dom's insistence that The Lady could and did communicate, String just didn't want to hear her ... (which Dom also insisted was behind her periodic acting up).
div style="padding:16px;border:4px dotted #fff;text-align:center;background:#ddd;">On the twelfth day of Christmas,
betray802 sent to me...
Twelve dallas cowboys drumming
Eleven dogs piping
Ten horses a-leaping
Nine transformers dancing
Eight cats a-milking
Seven dallas a-swimming
Six ghosts a-laying
Five co-o-o-olorado rapids
Four paranormal events
Three colorado rockies
Two denver outlaws
...and an airwolf in a cryptozoology.
In 2009,
betray802 resolves to...
Get back in contact with some old ghosts.
Ask my boss for a vermont.
Give up dogs.
Go to the transformers every month.
Buy new dallas.
Pay for my horses on time.
And oh yeah ... thanks, Badger.