Oct 29, 2009 12:51
Its kinda weird that its been this long since Craig's been gone. Right now, they're in Singapore and they have libo there right now. So many girls are pissed off cuz their husbands haven't called them, and looking at their bank accounts, some of the guys either took out $100-$300 and some just spend a lot of money on dinner. I'm kinda whatever about it just cuz Craig told me after this, they're not porting for a while, so I dunno.. this is their time to have fun. I wasn't too pissed off, but just slightly irritated that I hadn't gotten a phone call, or at least a decent email from Craig since they've been ported, but all the other girls are fuming that they're husbands "forgot" about them. I mean I understand where they're coming from, and I'm sure a lot of girls have a lot more on their plate than I do, but I dunno, I was just kinda getting used to not hearing from him, as bad as that may sound. But anyways, he went on facebook like an hour ago, and we got to chat for a little while, which totally made my day. He only got one of the two care packages that I sent him which is odd since I sent them both on the same day. Whatevs.
Still looking for a second seasonal job. We'll see how that goes.
20% done with this deployment.. come on 80$ lol.. you can go by quick, right?