I don't get how it works anymore! My mother sends me packages quite often and I always get them like 2 weeks later. I swear it only works well one way and only when I'm sending illegal copies of DVDs LOL S1 of AtS is parallel to S4 of BtVS (you can watch it one after another or one episode of each or first watch BtVS and then AtS - believe me you'll know which episode of AtS or BtVS they refer to ;)) Same with S2 and S5 and you've got some Xovers because back then both shows were on WB. Later BtVS changed to UPN so the storylines and characters weren't xovering anymore (there was just Willow mentioning going to L.A. in S7 of BtVS and then appearing on S4 of AtS and Faith appearing on S4 of AtS and then leaving to appear on S7 of BtVS). Unfortunately it's the same with the comics since BtVS is owned by another publisher than AtS and e.g. Joss had to pay fortune to have Angel and Spike appear in one drawing in the first issue of BtVS S8. Gotta say it's a darn shame because unlike BtVS art, the AtS art is horrific, there's not one character resembling the actors >.< But it's canon anyway...
There was a Buffy reunion for the Paley Festival on Thursday night. Almost everybody from BtVS was there. Check the previous Polish thread on Communities - I posted a whole bunch of pics =]
lol i'm not surprised that it doesn't work the same when someone from Poland is sending sth to France. Even when you send sth and it stays in the country it usually takes more than two days:D Nawet priorytetem:D
Wow, you explained it all very well:] Thanks. ithink i'm gonna watch one eppy for each tv show, becuase i've never seen Angel and i'm curious:)
Oddly it's the same thing in here. Every time I send something to my cousin it takes a week or more even if it's priority and stays in France. I wonder if they weren't merciful with that package because of the wrapping looking all Bday/Easter like lol
Awww AtS is love! I can't wait for you to see the whole thing, hopefully our likes/dislikes won't be that different :P Just heads up - I love BtVS S6 and AtS S4 which are by far the most hated in the fandom lol As for ships I multiship like crazy and I don't hate any ships anymore. I used to, but I grew old and soft lol And my shipping got complicated too, like e.g. I love Angel/Spike dynamic but I don't ship them, unlike Angelus/William. Or I don't really mind Buffy/Angel or Cordy/Angel but I definitely don't ship them either. Etc. Etc. It's a freaking complex fandom lol
hehe yes, your packages with cds are so pretty tehy can't ingone it:D This one with Buffyverse now was so adorable! I felt like i got a gift from Santa:]
i think we mostly agree on charcters/ships differences as far as i remmeber, so we're gonna have fun discussing:D Do you want me to write on Buffy thread or Communities when i see some eppies? I remember season 6 of Buffy, becuase it was the last oen i saw (and some of first season 7 episodes) and i frekaing loved it! It's hated?? Why? I loved this storyline with Buffy being called from dead and feeling all confused, and all Spuffy angst and evil Willow. Though i hated that tara was killed:( it was so heartbreaking. And i remmeber i lvoed this eppy(Tabula rasa was the name i think) when they didn't remeber anything. I remember especially this scene when they open the door, and there are some vampires or monsters and they all freak out and hide, lol
it means that it's just a very good tv show/s.:) There are some like that, when you can't hate any realtionships even when you don't exactly ship them.
Hee wherever you want is fine by me - I have subscriptions to both BtVS thread and Communities thread :D
Oh S6 BtVS is absolutely hated. Most people say it's too dark, too messy, too controversial, that Joss went too far etc. How it ruined Buffy's character and all. They say the exact same thing about AtS S4 and Cordy. And honestly I still don't see it. The whole ruining a character thing. And the argument how it was too dark and violent and effed up is the precise reason I love these 2 seasons lol They're not perfect and there's a lot of thing I'd change, but all in all, they were absolutely fascinating. But the truth is I never watched Buffy for Buffy nor I ever watched Angel for Angel lol I was always more interested in the characters around these 2 rather than them. You know, not their dynamics/interactions with other characters but rather those other characters' dynamics/interactions with Buffy or Angel ;) Plus I'm not particularly a fan of SMG or DB *oops* Acting wise I find DB slightly too expressionless for my tastes (even for eternally brooding Angel) and only a few people IMO got enough of chemistry with the guy to make him not so wooden. And SMG... she just usually kinda gives off this stuck up too-good-for-you vibe lol Obviously I might be wrong and they're 2 charming people.
S1 of AtS is parallel to S4 of BtVS (you can watch it one after another or one episode of each or first watch BtVS and then AtS - believe me you'll know which episode of AtS or BtVS they refer to ;)) Same with S2 and S5 and you've got some Xovers because back then both shows were on WB. Later BtVS changed to UPN so the storylines and characters weren't xovering anymore (there was just Willow mentioning going to L.A. in S7 of BtVS and then appearing on S4 of AtS and Faith appearing on S4 of AtS and then leaving to appear on S7 of BtVS). Unfortunately it's the same with the comics since BtVS is owned by another publisher than AtS and e.g. Joss had to pay fortune to have Angel and Spike appear in one drawing in the first issue of BtVS S8. Gotta say it's a darn shame because unlike BtVS art, the AtS art is horrific, there's not one character resembling the actors >.< But it's canon anyway...
There was a Buffy reunion for the Paley Festival on Thursday night. Almost everybody from BtVS was there. Check the previous Polish thread on Communities - I posted a whole bunch of pics =]
Wow, you explained it all very well:] Thanks. ithink i'm gonna watch one eppy for each tv show, becuase i've never seen Angel and i'm curious:)
Ok, i'm going there right now:]
Awww AtS is love! I can't wait for you to see the whole thing, hopefully our likes/dislikes won't be that different :P Just heads up - I love BtVS S6 and AtS S4 which are by far the most hated in the fandom lol As for ships I multiship like crazy and I don't hate any ships anymore. I used to, but I grew old and soft lol And my shipping got complicated too, like e.g. I love Angel/Spike dynamic but I don't ship them, unlike Angelus/William. Or I don't really mind Buffy/Angel or Cordy/Angel but I definitely don't ship them either. Etc. Etc. It's a freaking complex fandom lol
i think we mostly agree on charcters/ships differences as far as i remmeber, so we're gonna have fun discussing:D Do you want me to write on Buffy thread or Communities when i see some eppies?
I remember season 6 of Buffy, becuase it was the last oen i saw (and some of first season 7 episodes) and i frekaing loved it! It's hated?? Why? I loved this storyline with Buffy being called from dead and feeling all confused, and all Spuffy angst and evil Willow. Though i hated that tara was killed:( it was so heartbreaking. And i remmeber i lvoed this eppy(Tabula rasa was the name i think) when they didn't remeber anything. I remember especially this scene when they open the door, and there are some vampires or monsters and they all freak out and hide, lol
it means that it's just a very good tv show/s.:) There are some like that, when you can't hate any realtionships even when you don't exactly ship them.
Oh S6 BtVS is absolutely hated. Most people say it's too dark, too messy, too controversial, that Joss went too far etc. How it ruined Buffy's character and all. They say the exact same thing about AtS S4 and Cordy. And honestly I still don't see it. The whole ruining a character thing. And the argument how it was too dark and violent and effed up is the precise reason I love these 2 seasons lol They're not perfect and there's a lot of thing I'd change, but all in all, they were absolutely fascinating.
But the truth is I never watched Buffy for Buffy nor I ever watched Angel for Angel lol I was always more interested in the characters around these 2 rather than them. You know, not their dynamics/interactions with other characters but rather those other characters' dynamics/interactions with Buffy or Angel ;) Plus I'm not particularly a fan of SMG or DB *oops* Acting wise I find DB slightly too expressionless for my tastes (even for eternally brooding Angel) and only a few people IMO got enough of chemistry with the guy to make him not so wooden. And SMG... she just usually kinda gives off this stuck up too-good-for-you vibe lol Obviously I might be wrong and they're 2 charming people.
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