-I'd be Lying if i said it Never crossed my mind..xox

Jun 21, 2006 02:55

Is regreting something that meant so much to you at the time bad??
I've always believed in do not regret things you shouldn't becasue it's all you wanted at that time.
But then I stop & think of how maybe i didn't want it or i was just wrong so wrong! Covered up & blinded by things, that I didn't care & it was a regret.?
Sometimes I wonder if we should accept things the way they are and go on with it.!!
**Comment me & tell me what you think..Is Regreting Bad??
Time for Randoms lol
1. It's almost Sweet 16 timmeee!
2. Summer is good fun! haha
3. Beach Trip is comming up soon. Woohoo!
4. I can't wait to see my family at the beach.
5. I've noticed here lately that we nickname our friedns some extremely bad names lol
6. Some ppl abuse the trust you give em, i hate that =(
7. I miss a lot of my friends..
8. I need Jade b/c im having some doubt & she can help with that stuff.
9. Boys lie cheat & stoop to the lowest..losers
10. I have a lot planned this weekend but its gonna suck, hit me up on the celly.
11. I miss Elijah talked to him today. he's a good ole fella! lol
12. I miss a lot of my Graduated friends.
13. I plan on letting my hair grow out, but its so thick it needs to be thinned..!
14. Can't wait till my clothes come in that I ordered.
15. I want another tat. ughh Im sucha freakk.
16. I want a truck.
17. Cory wont sell me his =( dont really blame him tho
18. I want an Avi Ahh they're HOTT!!
19. Got some Burberry perfume it smells yumm;
20. Not to long & a new Laguna season should start Yess!! hah
21. I love baby Payton hes a cute fatty haha!
22. Went shopping today
23. boughht some cute shoes..hah
24. I'm gonna end here though im tired & this is suckin lol
Nitey nite..
beth <33
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