media solstice

Jun 26, 2007 23:28

Such a strange array of inputs from the media today.

1) NY Times reviews both the iPhone and Wilco.  What we have learned?  iPhone is meant for some strange sort of phantasy phigure that only listens to music, watches videos, surfs the web while occasionally having to answer a pesky phone call.  Apparently to make a call you must go through 6 zillion steps, and no voice dialing.  What?  Don't try it for texting either, the keyboard is a little difficult with your thumbs, but receiving those texts, simple and streamlined.  So unless you are Steve Jobs, and everyone wants you while you serenely while away the hours, this phone will be a pain in the ass.  And Wilco.  Better live than on the album.  Who knew?

2) Larry "the cryptkeeper" King has on the Beatles.  The fucking Beatles: Paul, Ringo and widows representing.  All in honor of some Vegas show.  The Beatles reunited on fucking CNN, and in Vegas.  Forget memory almost full, my brain has totally fried.  My inner child wants her idols back.

3) Ann Coultergeist got told off by Elizabeth Edwards.  I want Elizabeth for President.  Is it only when you're dying that you stop worrying about the proper thing and have some balls to speak truth to the moronic right?

And the Republicans now want out of Iraq.  We have reached some strange point of balance.  Sense and no sense, sublime and ridiculous, music and memory.

Welcome distractions, even if everything is as plain as the nose on my face.  Or are you my face?
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