(no subject)

May 03, 2014 09:41

Concept this:

(yes, sometimes i intentionally use poor grammar, call it the artistic license if you will)

If you are not being clearly understood or your actions do not speak for themselves even though you feel you do not need to explain yourself, you might need to explain yourself, but I suppose this is only if you care if anyone understands you and/or your actions. (I've talked about this before and will leave it at that).

Lead by example.

Cherish kindness.

I do not believe that physical violence is ever the answer or will ever make things better.

I do not believe in inherent good or evil. That would be admitting that we have no control over our thoughts or actions whatsoever.

Hate is a strong emotion. I'm not sure I'm capable of it. I don't know if that is a weakness or a strength. Am I a fool to think there may be some good lurking inside everyone or is it wise to try and find and nourish the good inside everyone? Maybe both. I guess that depends whether or not there is actually any good inside someone.

What actions should we take to make the world a better place? What actions do I take? What actions do those around me take? or not? I've explored this topic at length before. And again, if others do not understand your actions, they certainly lose their effectiveness. Not everyone is capable of blindly following, some need to understand the reasoning behind in order to jump on board.

Everyone is good at different things, everyone has different strengths, different weaknesses, if this were not the case, there is much that would never get done. This is what gives us strength in numbers, working together we can accomplish what we cannot alone. The strengths of others will compensate for your own weaknesses. You strength will compensate for theirs.

*If you can't even answer why you do the things you do, are you sure you should be doing them or that you are doing the right thing?

Just because my actions are different than your actions doesn't invalidate them. Different doesn't equal better or worse automatically, just different. This partially depends on the end goal in mind.

Why do people get so offended when others ask why? Did you ever think they are honestly trying to understand? Did you ever think that if you were less defensive when asked to explain yourself and actually take the time to explain yourself to others that you may find that they agree with you?

A little understanding can go a long way.

I wish hate came easier than frustration. That way I could just write people off instead of struggling to understand the exhaustively inexplicable.
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