sick day...

Aug 03, 2006 18:13

So I got up at the crack of dawn as usual, went to work even though I was feeling like crap (because that's just the dedicated kind of person I am), busted my tail to get my motions & claims drafted and filed, and then finally decided to leave for the day before lunch. Whereupon I promptly went to sleep for like three hours this afternoon. Skipping lunch. Hubby was really sweet, he called to see if I needed him to come home (although now that I think about it, that might just be because he wanted an excuse to leave work early and play more Guitar Hero).  I told him no, I was just going to take more meds and sleep.  Not even sure what's wrong with me- my throat is really sore, but I'm not congested or stuffy...I was running a low grade fever- although really that could have something to do with the fact that it has been at or over 100o for the last four days- gotta love the south in the summer.  I just feel generally blah.  Oh well.  Off to gargle some salt water & take more vitamin C and ibuprofen in hopes that it will help...
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