Yes I am still alive!

Dec 16, 2008 19:10

Whew, this whole working Mom thing is HARD - kudos to all the moms out there, it's a lot of work!!  Anyway, I have a couple of minutes so I figured I'd log on here and post an update.  Hubby & I are doing well, and as you can see from the photo, Liam is cute as ever and growing like a weed!  5 1/2 months now.  Boy has it flown by - and I don't have nearly the time that I used to for my favorite fandoms.  I still get to watch some TV, because we are SO lucky since our son sleeps from 7pm-5:30am and has been doing that since he was 3 months old!  Thank goodness, since I am a TV addict.  I'm down to only about 8 hours a week, though - I'm pretty sure that I was at 20 hours pre-Liam.  Oh well.  I never get on the computer anymore...because I'm on it all the time at work!  That and we go to bed at 10pm now...we're so sad...
That's about it for me, just wanted to log on here and post to let the world know I'm still alive :)
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